Are Corgis Good With Cats? A Quick Compatibility Guide​

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Are you a proud corgi owner like me, now contemplating the idea of bringing a feline companion into your life?  Perhaps you’re already a cat owner and are considering the joyful addition of a corgi to your household. 

It’s natural to wonder if corgis and cats can get along well. I certainly pondered this question when I welcomed my beloved furry friends into my life.

While it’s impossible to guarantee a perfect match between every corgi and cat, from my own experience, with socialisation and proper introductions, many corgis and cats can live together in harmony. 

In this article, I’ll delve into some valuable tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way for introducing corgis to cats and nurturing a blissful bond between these adorable companions.

Do corgis and cats get along?

Yes, corgis and cats do get along. You do though need to ensure they are introduced in a calm and confident way to prevent natural aggression.

When it comes to the question of whether corgis and cats can peacefully coexist, I can confidently say, yes, they can.

While it’s true that some corgis may have a strong prey drive and be initially inclined to chase cats, with patience and training, many corgis can learn to live with their feline counterparts.

It’s crucial to introduce your corgi and cat in a controlled and supervised environment on their first meeting, such as a big spacious lounge room or an outdoor space.

Gradual introductions are key to building a foundation of trust and comfort. By allowing them to sniff each other through a closed door and slowly increasing their proximity over time, you give them the opportunity to adjust at their own pace.

When I first introduced my corgi to my cat, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and concern. My cat, being a bit reserved, kept her distance while my energetic corgi was eager to make friends.

However, following the gradual introduction process, I witnessed progress unfold over a few weeks of supervised interactions.

It started with small signs of curiosity and playfulness. They would chase each other around the house and even shared moments of joy. These precious moments reassured me that we were on the right path, and today, they have a fantastic bond and get along beautifully.

Remember, every corgi–cat relationship is unique, and it may take time for them to fully adapt to each other’s presence. With patience, love, and the right approach, your corgi and cat become the best of friends.

What are the differences between corgis and cats?

Corgis and cats have notable differences in size, coat, tail, energy level, trainability, temperament, grooming needs, and ownership costs.

​These should be considered when choosing between the two as pets or deciding to have both.

Physical differences between corgis and cats

In terms of physical differences, corgis are bigger in size than cats. Corgis weigh between 25–30 pounds on average, while cats can weigh anywhere from 5–20 pounds.

Corgis have a thick, double-layered coat that sheds heavily twice a year, while cats have a single-layered coat that sheds year-round.

Corgis also usually have a short, docked tail, while cats have a long, flexible tail.

Temperament differences between corgis and cats

When it comes to temperament differences, corgis are a high-energy breed that requires a lot of exercise, while cats are more independent and often prefer to lounge around.

Corgis are highly trainable and eager to please, while cats can be more difficult to train and often have their own agenda.

Corgis are known for their affectionate nature and love to be around their owners, while cats are often more aloof and independent.

Lifestyle differences between corgis and cats

In terms of ownership comparison, corgis are more expensive to own due to their high energy levels and grooming needs, while cats are relatively low maintenance.

Corgis require more space and a yard to run around in, while cats can thrive in small apartments. Corgis also require a lot of time and attention, while cats are more self-sufficient and require less hands-on care.

These differences should be taken into consideration when deciding between a corgi and a cat as a pet – or whether you want both!

Can corgis and cats play together?

It is possible for corgis and cats to play together, but it largely depends on their individual personalities and how they are introduced to each other.

If they are introduced properly and gradually, they may learn to play and even get along well.

​They will often lounge about together in the living room, or chase each other around the yard (yes, cats will happily chase dogs – so they have to watch out!). It’s important to supervise their interactions to ensure that they don’t become too rough with each other.

You may also find that your cat is not interested in playing with a high-energy corgi and may prefer to keep their distance. That’s ok. It’s important to respect their boundaries and not force them to interact if they are uncomfortable.

How to introduce your corgi to your cat?

Introducing a new pet to your household can be an exciting yet daunting experience. If you have a corgi and a cat, you may be wondering how to introduce them to each other without any issues.

Here’s some helpful tips and tricks to successfully introduce your corgi to your cat.

1. Understand your pets’ personalities 

Before introducing your corgi to your cat, it is essential to understand their personalities. You should be aware of their likes, dislikes, and how they behave around other animals.

For instance, if your corgi is playful and energetic, they may want to chase your cat. On the other hand, if your cat is timid, they may be scared of your corgi.

2. Create a safe space 

Cats love their personal space, and so do corgis. To make their first meeting less stressful, it is essential to create a safe space for both pets.

You can do this by setting up a separate room for your cat with food, water, litter box, and toys. This way, your cat can get used to their new surroundings without feeling threatened.

3. Introduce your pets’ scent 

Before introducing your corgi to your cat, you can try introducing their scents to each other.

This can be done by exchanging blankets or toys that your pets have used. This way, they can get used to each other’s scent, which will make their first meeting less stressful.

4. Supervised introduction 

When it is time for your pets to meet, it is essential to do it in a supervised setting.

You can start by introducing your corgi to your cat through a closed door. This way, they can get used to each other’s presence without being in the same room.

If everything goes well, you can try having them in the same room, but make sure to keep a close eye on them.

5. Reward good behaviour 

When introducing your pets to each other, it is important to reward good behaviour.

You can reward your pets with treats or praises when they interact positively. This will reinforce positive behaviour and make them more likely to interact positively in the future.

6. Be patient 

Introducing your corgi to your cat can take time and patience. It is essential to take things slow and let your pets get used to each other gradually.

Do not force them to interact if they are not comfortable, and do not leave them unsupervised until you are confident that they can get along.

Expert Tip: ​
Many people may be tempted to let their animals sort it out for themselves, but this is not conducive to building positive relationships with one other. It’s much better to manage a controlled introduction process rather than trying to repair a damaged relationship
– Nicky Trevorrow, Cat Behavourist

Common challenges when introducing corgis and cats – and how to solve them

While many corgis and cats can learn to live together, there are some common challenges that owners may encounter during the introduction process.

By being aware of these challenges and knowing how to address them, you can foster a positive relationship between your corgi and cat.

Here are a few potential hurdles and strategies for overcoming them:

1. Territory issues

Both corgis and cats can be territorial creatures.

When bringing a new pet into their space, they may feel threatened and react defensively. To address this, consider gradually introducing their scents to each other before the actual meeting.

Swap blankets or toys between them to familiarise them with each other’s scent. This can help reduce territorial instincts and create a sense of familiarity. 

2. Prey drive

Corgis, being herding dogs, may have a natural prey drive that can make them inclined to chase small animals such as cats. It’s crucial to supervise their interactions closely and discourage any chasing behaviour.

Training your corgi to respond to commands like “leave it” or commands like “stay” can be helpful in redirecting their attention and establishing boundaries. 

3. Food and resource guarding

Both corgis and cats can exhibit resource guarding behaviour, where they become protective of their food, toys, or favourite spots.

To prevent conflicts, feed them in separate areas and provide individual food bowls and toys. This ensures that each pet feels secure during mealtime and reduces the chances of resource-related tensions. 

4. Escalating play

Sometimes, what starts as playful interaction between a corgi and cat can escalate into rough play or chasing. If you notice this happening, it’s important to intervene and redirect their attention.

Use positive reinforcement to reward calm behaviour and provide appropriate toys or activities that engage them separately. This helps channel their energy in a positive and non-confrontational way.

I’ll never forget the day when my corgi and cat had their first disagreement. My corgi, in his playful nature, got a little too enthusiastic during a play session, and my cat reacted defensively, hissing and swatting.

It was a wake-up call for me to closely monitor their interactions and recognize their individual boundaries. 

5. Stress and anxiety

Changes in routine or environment can cause stress or anxiety in both corgis and cats.

You should monitor their behaviour closely for signs such as excessive grooming, hiding, or restlessness.

If you notice signs of stress, provide safe spaces for each pet to retreat to, such as separate cosy beds or hiding spots. Your vet may also be able to assist with medications for temporary use.

6. Giving equal attention and affection

It’s essential to ensure that both your corgi and cat receive equal attention and affection from you. This helps prevent feelings of neglect or favoritism, which can lead to jealousy or conflicts.

​Set aside dedicated bonding time for each pet individually, engaging in activities they enjoy. By nurturing your relationship with each pet separately, you contribute to a balanced and harmonious household. 

In all these situations, its key to remain patient, observant, and responsive to the needs of both your corgi and cat throughout the process. ​

Get the low down on how to introduce your new corgi and cat to each other.

3 warning signs when introducing corgis and cats

Introducing a new pet to your home can be an exciting time.

​However, if you have a corgi and a cat, there are some warning signs to watch out for to ensure a smooth transition.

Here are three of the potential challenges that can arise when introducing a corgi and a cat, and provide tips on how to create a happy and safe environment for all.

1. Aggression

One of the most significant warning signs to watch out for is aggression. This can be displayed in a variety of ways, including growling, hissing, and barking. If either your corgi or cat displays aggressive behaviour towards the other, it’s crucial to intervene immediately to prevent any physical harm.

2. Fear

Fear is another warning sign to watch out for when introducing a corgi and cat. If either your cat or corgi displays signs of fear, it’s essential to provide them with a safe space to retreat to. This can be a separate room or a crate, where they can feel secure and protected.

3. Dominance

Corgis are known to be dominant dogs, and if not properly trained, they may try to assert their dominance over your cat. Signs of dominance can include standing over your cat, staring, and even nipping or biting. It’s essential to establish clear boundaries and train your corgi to respect your cat’s space.

Tips for good relationships between your corgi and cat.

Once you’ve successfully introduced your corgi and cat and they’re happily living together, it’s important to keep their friendship strong.

Here are six quick tips to help you nurture their bond and ensure long-term compatibility:

1. Give one-on-one attention

Both corgis and cats thrive on individual attention from their owners. Make sure to spend quality one-on-one time with each pet to meet their unique needs.

This will help prevent feelings of jealousy or competition between them. 

2. Give them lots of playtime

​Engage your corgi and cat in separate play sessions that cater to their specific needs.

Corgis are energetic and enjoy activities like fetch or agility training, while cats are natural hunters and benefit from interactive toys or play sessions with a wand toy.

Satisfying their individual instincts will help keep them mentally stimulated and prevent any potential frustration. 

3. Respect their boundaries

It’s crucial to respect the boundaries of both your corgi and cat. If your cat seeks solitude or retreats to a specific area, ensure that your corgi understands not to disturb them.

Likewise, if your corgi requires a quiet space or time alone, make sure your cat doesn’t invade that space. By respecting their individual needs, you create a balanced and respectful environment. 

4. Continue their training

Consistency in training is vital to maintain a harmonious relationship. Continue to reinforce positive behaviors and discourage any negative behaviors through training sessions.

This will help establish clear expectations and reinforce the rules for both your corgi and cat. 

5. Give them regular vet care

Schedule regular check-ups for both your corgi and cat with a veterinarian. This ensures that they are in good health and any potential health issues are addressed promptly.

​Keeping them healthy and comfortable contributes to their overall well-being and reduces any potential stress in the household. 

By following these tips, you can foster a lasting and positive relationship between your corgi and cat. 

A corgi outside standing on a green lawn

Final thoughts on whether corgis and cats get along?

 I love my corgi and my cat. But when it comes to introducing a corgi and a cat, it’s important to know that while they can get along, it’s not always a natural process.

It’s crucial to have plenty of patience and commitment to training in order to help these two pets cohabit and remain happy.

If you already have a cat, it’s important to key to check-in on their personality before introducing a corgi into the mix. If your cat is sociable, friendly, and enjoys playtime, then there is a good chance they could develop a positive relationship with a corgi.

However, if your cat is more reserved or tends to be aggressive towards other animals, introducing a new pet may require even more patience and dedication. The same is true for introducing a new cat to your corgi.

Consistency is key when it comes to training your corgi and cat. It’s important to establish boundaries for both animals and keep them in check to ensure their safety.

With patience, training, and plenty of positive reinforcement, your corgi and cat can develop a wonderful relationship that will bring joy to your household for years to come.​

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