Do Corgis Like Snow? Winter Tips For Your Dog

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

As winter sets in and blankets the world in a layer of snow, there’s no better time to embark on a snow adventure with your beloved corgi.

Corgis are the perfect companions for exploring the wonders of snow-covered landscapes.

In this article, I’ll dive deeper into the magic of corgis in snowy wonderlands, and how you can make the most of this enchanting season with your dog.

Do corgis enjoy snow?

Many corgi owners wonder whether their furry friends can enjoy the snow as much as they do, and the answer is a resounding “yes!”

Corgis are a wonderful breed known for their adaptability. They are well-suited to handle colder climates due to their double coats, which provide excellent insulation against the chill.

This happy corgi is smiling in the snow.

Can corgis tolerate the cold? What is the best temperature?

Corgis are most comfortable in temperatures between 45 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 29 degrees Celsius). Their double coats help them handle the cold, but it’s best not to expose them to extreme cold for too long.

This range is where they’re comfortable and safe, striking a balance between not being too hot or too cold.

During colder weather, it’s important to watch your corgi for signs of discomfort, such as shivering or seeking warmth.

Provide shelter, ensure they stay dry, and limit exposure to very cold temperatures, especially for extended periods. You may also consider using doggy sweaters or jackets to help keep them warm in chilly weather.

How to prepare your corgi for the snow? 3 outfit tips!

Dress your corgi in a cozy sweater, protective boots, and consider a waterproof jacket for snowy outings.

Before heading out for your snowy adventure, it’s crucial to take some preparatory measures to keep your corgi safe and comfortable. Here are some essential tips:

1. How should I dress my corgi for the snow?

While corgis have a natural coat that helps them stay warm, it’s a good idea to invest in a snug-fitting doggie sweater or jacket for extra protection during extremely cold temperatures.

Make sure the outfit doesn’t restrict movement and covers their chest and belly.

2. How do I protect my corgi’s paws?

Cold and icy surfaces can be harsh on your corgi’s paws.

Protect them by using paw balm or wax before heading out. If you need more protection, do consider booties for your dog (see next point!)

3. Should I use booties for my corgi in the snow?

As noted, yes, consider getting your furry friend some doggie boots, which offer excellent protection against the cold and prevent ice from accumulating between their paw pads.

Booties can provide extra protection for your corgi’s paws, especially on icy surfaces. If your furry friend seems bothered by the cold or snow buildup in their paws, booties can be a great solution.

This corgi is covered in snow and looking straight at the camera.

How to keep your corgi safe in the snow?

Keep your corgi stays safe in the snow by monitoring their exposure time, dressing them in appropriate cold-weather gear, and keeping them clean and away from ice.

Safety is paramount when taking your corgi out to play in the snow. Here are some vital snow safety tips I’ve found that you should keep in mind:

1. Supervise your corgi

Always supervise your corgi while they explore the winter wonderland. They might get overexcited and wander off or encounter hazardous situations.

2. Limit your corgi’s outdoor time

Corgis can suffer from hypothermia and frostbite. Limit their outdoor playtime during freezing temperatures, and head back indoors if you notice signs of discomfort.

3. Keep your corgi away from frozen water

During winter, bodies of water can freeze, creating a risky situation for your corgi. Keep them away from frozen ponds, lakes, or rivers to avoid accidents.

It is not safe for your dog to play near frozen bodies of water. The ice might be thin and pose a risk of falling through, leading to danger.

Walking with my corgi in the snow.

How to have fun with your corgi in the snow?

Now you know your corgi is safe, it’s time to have lots of snow-filled fun! Here are some great activities I recommend to give your corgi a great time in the snow enjoyable activities your corgi will love:

1. Snowball chase

Rolling snowballs and having your corgi chase after them can be incredibly entertaining for both you and your furry companion.

2. Snow treats hide-and-seek

Hide treats in the snow and let your corgi sniff them out. This game stimulates their mind and provides an opportunity for a fun bonding experience.

3. Snowy trails

Take your corgi on a snowy walk or hike. Explore new trails, and let your dog enjoy the sights and scents of the winter landscape. Make sure your corgi is properly protected from the cold with a winter coat if needed.

4. Snowy zoomies

Corgis are known for their “zoomies” or bursts of energy. The snow can amplify this behaviour. Find an open area, and encourage your corgi to run and play in the snow. You can join in the fun by running alongside them.

How to tell if your corgi is cold?

If your dog is cold, they might show signs like shivering, seeking warmth, or curling up to conserve heat.

Watch for behaviors like whining or trying to get inside. Check if their ears and paws feel cold to the touch.

I also recommend you always keep an eye out for signs of hypothermia – such as weakness, lethargy, and shallow breathing – when you’re out in the snow.

If you notice these signs, it’s important to take steps to keep your corgi warm. Providing a cozy blanket or bringing them indoors can help get them back to the right temperature.

This golden retriever and corgi are playing together in the snow.

How to care for your corgi after playing in the snow?

After a delightful day of frolicking in the snow, it’s essential to give your corgi some post-snow play care. Here are a few tips to ensure their well-being:

1. Warm towel and blanket

After your corgi’s snowy playtime, use a gentle towel to dry their fur, removing any remaining moisture. This keeps them comfortable and prevents potential skin issues from prolonged dampness.

When you’re back indoors, give your corgi a warm, dry blanket to rest on. This helps them warm up and avoids any lingering chill.

2. Check for ice clumps and ice cuts

After your corgi plays in the snow, check their fur for ice clumps or snowballs, which can be uncomfortable and even lead to frostbite if ignored.

Examine their paws for signs of irritation, cuts, or ice buildup. Snow and ice may hide sharp objects, so a thorough paw check ensures their paws are in good condition.

3. Warm meal and fresh water

After your pet plays in the snow, give them a warm, hearty meal to replenish energy. Choose a well-balanced pet food like stew or a mix of kibble and wet food.

Keep them hydrated with fresh water since snow isn’t enough. Check the water bowl for freezing in cold weather. Hydration is crucial for their well-being and helps regulate body temperature during winter activities.

Are Corgis Good House Dogs? This Pembroke Welsh Corgi is happy to be inside being held by his owner.

Should my old corgi go in the snow?

While most corgis enjoy playing in the snow, some older or health-challenged dogs might have more difficulty coping with the cold. If your corgi falls into this category, it’s essential to take extra precautions.

Before engaging in winter activities, consult your vet to ensure your corgi is fit for snowy play and to get personal advice on keeping them comfortable and safe.

Limit the duration of outdoor play for older or health-challenged corgis. Short bursts of play can still be enjoyable without putting their health at risk.

Can a corgi sleep in the snow?

While corgis are well-adapted to colder climates due to their double coats, you should not let them sleep in the snow.

Corgis can be affected by the cold, and prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to discomfort and health issues.

Here are a few reasons why it’s best not to let your corgi sleep in the snow:

1. Risk of hypothermia

Sleeping in the snow for extended periods can cause their body temperature to drop, leading to hypothermia.

Hypothermia occurs when a dog’s body loses heat faster than it can produce it, and it can be dangerous or even fatal.

2. Frostbite

Corgis are susceptible to frostbite. Their ears, paws, and tail are particularly vulnerable when exposed to freezing temperatures for too long.

3. Moisture absorption

Snow can be damp, and prolonged exposure may cause a corgi’s coat to absorb moisture, making them wet and uncomfortable.

4. Uncomfortable surface

Snow can be cold and uncomfortable to lie on, leading to restlessness and disturbed sleep.

While short periods of outdoor play in the snow are generally safe and enjoyable for corgis, bring them indoors or provide a sheltered and insulated sleeping area if they seem tired or need to rest.

If you plan on spending a lot of time outdoors in the snow with your corgi, consider investing in a warm and weather-resistant dog bed or providing a cozy shelter to keep them comfortable.

Are corgis alert dogs. Yes. This one is on the lookout for trouble afoot.

What dog breeds enjoy the snow?

While corgis enjoy playing in the snow and can handle short stints in the cold, certain dog breeds are particularly well-suited for cold weather.

If you’re considering adoption and are curious about dogs that truly embrace wintry conditions, we’ve compiled a list for you below.

  • Akita
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • American Eskimo Dog
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Chow Chow
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • Great Pyrenees
  • Newfoundland
  • Norwegian Elkhound
  • Saint Bernard
  • Samoyed
  • Siberian Husky
  • Tibetan Mastiff
  • Tibetan Terrier

These dogs are a little more suited than corgis to the snow.

Final thoughts on if corgis like snow?

Enjoy the winter season with your corgi by following these simple tips for a safe and fun snowy adventure.

Whether it’s fetching or exploring, create lasting memories with your corgi. Stay warm, stay safe, and cherish the wonderful moments with your adorable dog.

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