I want my corgi to live longer. In fact, I want them to live forever.
While there are many factors that impact your corgi’s lifespan that are out of your control, there are some you can influence.
You can help your corgi live longer through good nutrition, safe living conditions, regular check-ups with your vet, and desexing your corgi.
Let’s look closer at these issues and my full Top 7 Tips to help your corgi live longer.
1. Better nutrition for your corgi
The food you feed your corgi can have a big role on how healthy they are. The healthier the food, the healthier the corgi.
When it comes down to it, humans and corgis aren’t so different when it comes to eating. Corgis, like us, are happy eating both meat and plants – and they’re not particularly fussy about either.
Corgis need a mixed diet that meets their fat, protein and vitamin needs. This will help them stay healthy and live longer.
According to the MSD Veterinary Manual, your corgis daily diet should contain approximately 1.3g of fat per kilogram and 2.62 g of protein per kilogram.
If you’re feeding your corgi more than once a day, then this total is across all meals. You need to make sure you’re feeding your corgi the right amount of food for their size.
Luckily, most dog foods from stores have the right nutrients for your corgi. It doesn’t matter if it’s wet or dry, cheap or expensive – what matters is that your corgi is happy and eating.
Make sure your corgi always has enough water. Without it, they could die in a few days. Most corgis need about 50mL of water per kilogram of body weight. Just leave a bowl of water for them, and check every day to make sure they’re drinking from it.
If you give your corgi good, nutritious food, it will make them healthier and might even help them live longer.
2. Safe clean living conditions for your corgi
Keeping your corgi’s home clean and safe can help your corgi live longer by reducing the physical and mental stress on their body and lowering the risk of sickness or disease.
Making a comfortable home for your corgi involves a few important things.
Firstly, they need a safe and dry place to shelter when the weather is bad. This could mean bringing them inside or providing a cosy doghouse. Keeping them out of extreme weather helps prevent illnesses like frostbite and infections and also keeps them mentally happy.
Next, make sure they have a soft and comfy spot to sleep. Just like humans, corgis need good sleep. Without a comfortable bed and blankets, they won’t rest well, and it can affect their health.
Watch out for the temperature, too. In hot weather, corgis can get rashes and discomfort due to their thick coat trapping heat. In the winter, they might get too cold, especially if exposed for a long time. So, be mindful of the weather conditions.
Lastly, provide a designated area for them to go to the toilet. Corgis are responsible, but if they can’t find a suitable spot, it could harm their bladder and cause infections.
3. Lots of exercise for your corgi
Regular exercise can extend your corgi’s life by keeping them at a healthy weight – reducing the pressure on their muscles and joints.
Regular exercise is not only good for humans; it’s also great for our four-legged friends.
A consistent exercise routine is great for keeping your corgi active, building strong muscles and joints. This is crucial because corgis often face muscular and skeletal issues. It also boosts their heart health and lowers blood pressure.
Exercise is also effective in managing your corgi’s weight. Corgis love to eat, so it’s essential to be mindful of their diet. While healthy eating is vital, regular exercise helps prevent excess fat.
Originally bred as a working dog, corgis were meant to herd cattle and protect against predators. So going on walks and running around is in their nature, and makes them feel better doing it.
And it’s not too bad for your mental health either. Just like how a lunchtime walk can lift your spirits during a busy workday, it has a similar positive effect on your corgi.
Through exercising your corgi regularly, you increase the chance of them having a longer healthier life.
4. Regular health care for your corgi
The best thing you can do to help your corgi age well is making sure it is healthy. This includes regular visits to your vet to check for disease, as well as grooming care.
Corgis, like all dogs, can develop a number of diseases or conditions. When your corgi is young, you should find a veterinarian that you feel comfortable with and whose advice you trust.
By choosing a vet early in your corgi’s life, and sticking with them, you help give your corgi the most comprehensive care available to them.
Many dog owners make the mistake of going to a new vet every time their dog needs a check-up. A vet who knows what your corgi was like as a puppy is more equipped to diagnose problems in them as an adult. They will also be able to monitor your corgi for changes in their development.
Much like in humans, health care in corgis is much better when it is preventive. That is, going to the vet for regular check-ups, not just when you think there is a problem. Likewise, a healthy lifestyle is the best prevention against disease and helps live longer.
5. Consistent dental care for your corgi
Taking care of your dog’s teeth is a simple yet often ignored way to help them stay healthy and live longer.
Even though corgis might not need professional teeth cleaning at the vet, it’s essential to brush their teeth regularly at home. Your vet can guide you on how often to brush, which could range from twice a day to once a week. This routine helps prevent dental issues and tooth decay.
Rotten teeth can lead to abscesses and pain, causing infections. These infections may spread from your dog’s mouth to other parts of their body through the bloodstream, potentially causing kidney and liver disease, heart problems, and even jaw fractures.
If your corgi has dental problems, it’s crucial to get treatment promptly to avoid further complications. Dental issues worsen over time if not addressed.
By staying on top of your corgi’s dental needs, you can help them stay healthy and live longer.
6. Regular grooming for your corgi
Good grooming for your corgi will help keep them free of parasites and limit the impacts of rashes.
Regular grooming helps keep your corgi free of dirt and grime that can cause rashes and irritations and can lead to infection. They need daily brushings to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils.
Daily brushing will also keep eyes free from tear stains and help prevent matting in the corgi’s long coat.
A regular grooming schedule also makes you more alert and more prone to checking for ticks and fleas. These can get onto your corgi’s skin and fur every time they go outside or go for walks. These should be careful removed if you spot them.
With a good grooming routine, you can fight off problems before they happen. This helps your corgi live longer.
7. Neutering your corgi
Surprisingly, neutering your dog is one of the best things you can do for them. It can reduce aggression, behavioural issues and even cancer risk.
One of the main benefits of neutering your corgi is that it can reduce aggression. Aggression can be caused by testosterone which is associated with dominance and territorial behaviour. That is why neutering your corgi will reduce this type of aggressive behaviour.
Neutering your pet can also help improve other behavioural issues, as they are less driven by hormones.
This might include destructive behaviour such as chewing furniture, digging holes in your yard or destroying other family pets’ toys by playing with them until they break apart – just to name a few examples!
Neutering your corgis can also provide health advantages, including reducing the risk of uterine infections and prostatic hyperplasia, or cancers of the breast, ovary, or testicles. These cancers are deadly in around 50% of dogs. However, it’s important to remember that the risk is not eliminated by neutering your pooch!
As well as reducing the risk of developing certain health conditions, neutering your corgi will also help give you peace of mind as they less likely to get into any trouble with other dogs or cats while they are outdoors. So, hey, it might just help you live longer too.
Final thoughts on tips to help your corgi live longer
While we’d love our furry friends to last forever, unfortunately, life has other ideas. There are a number of factors that are out of your control and are just part of corgi ownership.
However, you do have power to make a difference.
With a strategy of nutrition, healthcare, exercise, and safe living conditions, you can help your corgi to live longer and increase the time you get to spend together.
So, get out there and give your corgi the best life you can. You, and your corgi, will be better for it.