Are Corgis Nervous Dogs? What to Do When Your Corgi is Anxious

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Corgis are really cute dogs, but sometimes they might act a bit nervous. This can certainly can worry new owners.

It’s crucial to figure out why they’re feeling nervous and do things to help them feel better, so they can be happy and healthy pets. Let’s look at some of those reasons now.

What causes corgi nervousness?​

Corgis are a herding breed, and their herding instincts can lead to a heightened sense of alertness and nervousness in certain situations.

There are several factors that can contribute to a corgi’s nervousness, including:

1. Lack of exercise

Corgis are highly active dogs that require plenty of physical and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. If they don’t get enough exercise, they can become restless, destructive, and nervous.

2. Separation anxiety 

Corgis are pack animals and enjoy the company of their human families. When left alone for long periods of time, they can experience separation anxiety and become nervous and destructive.

3. Fear of loud noises

Corgis are sensitive to loud noises, such as thunderstorms, fireworks, and vacuum cleaners. These sounds can cause them to become anxious and scared, leading to nervous behaviour.

4. Fear of new people and places

Corgis can become nervous in new or unfamiliar situations, such as meeting new people or visiting new places. This can lead to anxious or scared behaviour.

What to do when your corgi is nervous

There are a number of key strategies you can put in place to help address your corgis fears if they are often nervous. These include:

1. Socialisation for your corgi

One of the most effective ways to address corgi nervousness is through proper socialisation.

Introduce your corgi to new people, places, and experiences in a controlled and positive manner. This will help build their confidence and reduce their nervousness.

2. Training for your corgi

Positive reinforcement training can help your corgi overcome their nervousness.

Training will help your corgi feel more confident and secure, and it can also provide a positive outlet for their energy.

3. Exercise for your corgi

Corgis are an active breed and providing them with plenty of exercise can help reduce their nervousness.

Regular exercise can help your corgi burn off excess energy and provide a healthy outlet for their instincts.

4. Establishing a routine for your corgi

Setting up a standard routine for your corgi can help reduce their nervousness.

A predictable routine can provide comfort and security for your corgi and help them feel more relaxed. Exercise is important to maintain good mental health (and not just for dogs!)

Do corgis have high anxiety?

Corgis, like many breeds, can experience high levels of anxiety. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of socialisation, improper training, and changes in their routine or environment.

When corgis experience anxiety, they may exhibit physical and behavioural signs such as shaking, panting, hiding, and destructive behaviours.

As a corgi owner, I have experienced first-hand the effects of anxiety in my furry friend. At first, I noticed that he would shake and pant excessively, especially during storms or when there were fireworks.

He would also hide under the bed and become destructive, chewing on furniture and other household items.

I realised that his anxiety was partially a result of a lack of socialisation and structure in his life. I made a concerted effort to provide him with a predictable routine, which included daily walks, which really helped.

So from this, I feel it’s important to note that with proper management, corgis’ anxiety levels can be reduced, and you owe it to your dog to do that.

How do I know my corgi is scared?

Recognising if your corgi is scared is crucial in addressing their nervousness.

Corgis are naturally social animals and tend to thrive in environments where they feel secure and loved. When they are frightened, they may exhibit physical and behavioural signs that indicate their discomfort.

Some common signs of fear in corgis include:

  1. Shaking: If your corgi is shaking, it may be a sign that they are feeling scared or nervous. This can be especially noticeable in their legs, tail (if they have one), or entire body.
  2. Panting: Panting can be a sign of fear or stress in corgis. This may be accompanied by rapid breathing or an increased heart rate.
  3. Whining: Whining is a common sign of anxiety in corgis. This may occur when they are feeling nervous or scared and are seeking comfort from their owners.
  4. Hiding: Hiding is a common behaviour in corgis when they are feeling scared. They may seek refuge under a bed, in a closet, or in another secure location.
  5. Refusing to eat: If your corgi is scared, they may refuse to eat. This can be a sign of stress or fear and may indicate that they need extra attention and comfort from their owners.

If your corgi shows any of these behaviours, you need to take steps to help them feel more secure and reduce their nervousness.

This may involve giving them plenty of positive reinforcement, training, and chances to socialise.

Do corgis like to be left alone?

Corgis are social animals and generally do not like to be left alone for extended periods of time.

They are pack animals and have a strong desire to be near their human family members.

As a corgi owner, I can relate to this first-hand. My boy is a social butterfly who loves being around people. When I leave for work in the morning he becomes sad and whines. But when I return in the evening, he jumps all over me, wagging his butt and barking with excitement.

The amount of alone time a corgi can handle will vary based on individual personality, age, and activity level. Some corgis are content to spend a few hours alone, while others may become destructive or anxious if left alone for too long.

To ensure your corgi is happy and healthy, it’s important to provide them with plenty of socialisation and attention, as well as opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation when you’re not home.

To make my corgi happier, I started leaving the television on for him when I leave for work, and I also started taking him to the local dog park twice a week. Now, he gets to interact with other dogs and people a lot more, which has made a big difference in his behaviour.

Are corgis clingy dogs?

Corgis can be clingy dogs, especially if they have not been socialised properly or if they are feeling nervous.

​This clinginess can be manifested as excessive barking, following their owners everywhere, and becoming anxious when left alone. This behaviour can be disruptive and stressful for both the corgi and their owner.

However, this clinginess can be addressed through proper socialisation and training. Encouraging independence and providing plenty of positive reinforcement can help reduce clinginess and promote a confident and secure corgi. 

Final thoughts on whether corgis are nervous dogs?

Corgi nervousness can be a challenge for owners, but with proper understanding and management, it can be effectively addressed.

Regular socialisation, training, exercise, and establishing a routine can all help reduce corgi nervousness and lead to a happy and healthy life for your furry friend.

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