Are Corgis Aggressive? Debunk the Myths of This Gentle Breed

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Known for their charming appearance and playful demeanour, corgis have captured the hearts of many. That’s how I ended up with mine so many years ago.

But there are vicious, persistent rumours and misconceptions about their temperament – leading some to wonder if this beloved breed is aggressive.

In this article, I’ll debunk the prevailing myths and misconceptions surrounding corgis, shedding light on their true temperament and behaviour. 

This corgi is covered in snow and looking straight at the camera. They look cold. Corgis can get hypothermia so you need to keep them safe.

Are corgis aggressive to humans?

Corgis are not inherently aggressive towards humans. They are friendly and affectionate which makes them great family dogs.

Corgis are social dogs that tend to form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy being part of a family.

​Proper socialisation and positive training play crucial roles in shaping a corgi’s behaviour towards humans and other animals. Early exposure to different people, places, and experiences can help ensure they grow up to be well-adjusted and confident companions.

Responsible ownership and consistent, gentle training can contribute to a corgi’s well-balanced temperament.

While aggressive behaviour is not typical for corgis, there may be rare exceptions or specific circumstances that cause any dog to act aggressively.

If your corgi displays aggressive tendencies, you should consult a local professional dog trainer or behaviourist to address the issue before it becomes a problem

Are corgis aggressive to other breeds?

Corgis are usually friendly with other dogs, but they can show aggression when they are scared or surprised.

Corgis are known to be social dogs. This helps them get along well with other breeds and animals (if introduced properly).

You should socialise them from a young age, where they are exposed to different dogs and animals, can help them develop good manners.

If you own a corgi and want to introduce them to other breeds or animals, it is essential to do so in a controlled environment and under supervision. This will help to gauge their reaction and ensure a positive experience for both your corgi and the other animals.

If you notice any signs of aggression or discomfort during interactions, you should move your corgi away until they feel safe and calm again.

Are Corgis High Maintenance Dogs? This corgi is being naughty, hiding in the garden away from his owner.

Why is my corgi aggressive? 4 factors to consider

Factors that can cause aggressiveness in some corgis include fear, instinct, frustration and pain.

A safe corgi is usually a happy corgi. But unfortunately, the reverse is also often true. Let’s take a closer look at these critical issues now:

1. Fear

Like all dogs, corgis may become aggressive if they feel threatened or afraid.

2. Herding instincts

Corgis were bred to be herding dogs, and they might nip at ankles due to their instinct, which should be discouraged.

3. Frustration

Corgis can show aggression if they’re unable to get what they want, particularly if they are accustomed to getting their way.

4. Health issues

Some aggressive behaviour can be linked to health problems and pain, so you have to manage their health to keep them happy. It’s not fair to them to be in a bad mood for reasons they can’t control.

How can I tell if my corgi is aggressive?

Corgis are usually friendly and nice, but it’s important to be aware of any signs that might show they are uncomfortable or scared to avoid problems.

Some dogs can act aggressively when they feel afraid, stressed, or had bad experiences before. Here are some common signs that your corgi might be feeling stressed or uneasy:

  • Growling: If your corgi makes a low, rumbling growl, it could mean they’re not comfortable or want some space.
  • Snapping: Corgis might snap if they feel threatened or trapped, which is their way of showing they’re not at ease.
  • Body posture: If your corgi looks tense or stiff, it might be a sign of anxiety or fear.

​As responsible pet owners, we need to pay attention to our corgis’ body language and act quickly if we notice any signs of distress.

How to reduce corgi aggression?

If you find that your corgi is a bit more aggressive than you expected, here are some things you can do to help:

  1. Socialise early: When your corgi is young, introduce them to different people, animals, and places. This will make them more confident and less likely to be aggressive because of fear.
  2. Use rewards for training: Try positive reinforcement training with your corgi. When they behave well, give them treats and praise. This will strengthen your bond and make learning fun for your corgi.
  3. Be patient and consistent: It’s important to be patient with your corgi during training and use the same methods consistently. Avoid punishments, as they can make your corgi afraid and not trust you.
  4. Keep your corgi active and engaged: Corgis are energetic and smart, so make sure they get regular exercise and mental challenges. Play with them and give them activities to keep their minds and bodies healthy.
  5. Consider professional training: Think about enrolling your corgi in obedience classes with experts. These classes can help both you and your furry friend learn how to manage their aggression.

By following these strategies, you can better handle your corgi’s aggression.

Are Pembrokes or Cardigans more aggressive?

Most people believe that Cardigans are generally more laid-back, calmer, and reserved compared to the sociable and friendly Pembroke corgis.

Pembroke Welsh corgis are full of energy, can adapt easily, and always want to make their owners happy. However, without proper training, they may become a bit bossy.

Both types of corgis need regular training because they have a herding background. They are really smart dogs and enjoy mental challenges and learning new tricks – but this means they have a lot of energy to burn off.

Are male or female corgis more aggressive?

Female corgis have a tendency to be more aggressive than males, particularly if the male has been neutered.

They may show a shorter temper and be more assertive in establishing their dominance. However, if given enough attention and care, female corgis can be extremely loyal and eager to please.

Male corgis, particularly Cardigans, are generally more laid-back and require less attention compared to their female counterparts.

But regardless of gender, all corgis need a lot of interaction and mental stimulation to live happily and healthily.

Are corgi puppies aggressive?

Corgi puppies are generally not aggressive. They are known for their friendly and sociable nature.

A corgi puppy’s behaviour is influenced by various things, including its genes, early social experiences, and the environment where it grows up.

Responsible breeders carefully choose which dogs to mate, aiming to have puppies with good qualities and stable temperaments, which lowers the chance of them being aggressive.

I also believe many puppies go through a cranky toddler phase when they get upset because they are tired. To handle this, firmly say “no” if they’re acting mean towards you.

On the other hand, be sure to praise them when you see them being calm and resting. It’s also good to remember the saying, “let sleeping dogs lie,” that is, it’s best not to disturb a sleeping dog.

Crate training is also useful because they have a space they can feel safe and undisturbed. The crate provides them a comforting place to rest and recharge.

They don’t tend to go nap in there on their own volition, but when they get nasty and crabby from tiredness, you can put them in their crate, and they often seem relieved. Then they curl up and nap and are back to their sweet self when they wake up.

Is aggression in dogs genetic?

Genes have a big impact on a puppy’s personality, and while corgis are known to be friendly, loving, and clever, there might be certain lines or individual dogs that have a tendency towards being aggressive.

Studies indicating that about 65 percent of their traits are influenced by genetics. If a corgi’s parents were calm and composed, it’s probable that the puppies will have similar qualities.

However, the environment and how they are raised also matter a lot. If a corgi had a difficult past, like being abandoned or mistreated, it might show signs of mental distress and aggression. 

Do corgis bite?

Corgis are not known for biting as they are not an aggressive dog breed.

Biting is a way for dogs to communicate, and it can be influenced by different things like their personality, training, social experiences, and the situation they’re in. Thankfully, corgis do not often bite their owners or other dogs.

Corgis are friendly, loving, and like being around people and other animals. However, each corgi may react differently depending on their own personality and past experiences.

​Some corgis might bite if they feel scared, hurt, stressed, or in danger. It can also happen if they weren’t trained well, didn’t have enough chances to socialise with others, or feel like they need to protect their territory.

Being a responsible dog owner means understanding how a dog behaves and what their body language means to prevent biting situations. Be on the lookout for the signs of aggression to ensure your corgi stays safe.

How to keep my corgi happy?

Proper corgi care involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, grooming, health monitoring, and positive training.

Corgis are beloved for their charming and affectionate temperament, making them excellent family pets.

Taking good care of your corgi is crucial for their happiness and health. Here are some important aspects of corgi care you must be across:

  • Diet and nutrition: Provide your Corgi with a balanced diet by choosing high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs. Be mindful of their portions to prevent weight gain.
  • Exercise and activity: Despite their short legs, corgis are energetic and need regular exercise. Daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation keep them fit and happy.
  • Grooming: Corgis have a double coat that sheds seasonally. Regular brushing and occasional baths will keep their coat healthy and reduce shedding.
  • Health monitoring: Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential to check your corgi’s health and address any concerns promptly. Vaccinations, parasite control, and dental care should be part of their healthcare routine.
  • Training: Corgis are intelligent and eager to please, making training relatively easy. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key to successful training. Socialising them from a young age helps them become well-behaved and confident adults.

By providing proper care and attention, you can ensure your corgi leads a happy and healthy life, making your bond with them even stronger.

Is a corgi the right dog breed for me?

Before deciding to get a corgi, consider whether their loyal, affectionate, and lively nature matches your active lifestyle, as they require training, exercise, and care that demand time, effort, and commitment.

Deciding if a corgi is the best dog breed for you depends on a few important things.

​First, think about what you want in a dog – is it someone who is loyal, loving, and full of energy? If you like being active and have time to teach them and take care of them, then a corgi could be a good match.

​They need lots of love and attention, so you need to make sure you can give them the care they need. Creating a happy and supportive home for them is essential. 

Final thoughts on corgi aggression

Corgis are amazing and kind furry friends who can bring lots of happiness to your life.

Corgis are not naturally mean or aggressive, but just like any dog, they might act up if they haven’t been trained well or used to being around others.

​Because they have a herding background, it’s helpful to use positive reinforcement when teaching them good behaviour.

As responsible pet owners, it’s our job to spend time and effort to build a strong bond with our corgis. To take good care of them, it’s important to know about their history, behaviour, and how to look after them properly.

If we approach their care with love and dedication, corgis can become wonderful and loving companions. Let’s appreciate how special corgis are and spread the word about their gentle and loving nature.

Having a corgi as a friend will create lots of special memories with these cute dogs, and it’s a commitment that will be worth all the love and happiness they bring to your life.

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