Do Corgis Fart? Manage Your Corgi’s Flatulence

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

As endearing as these pint-sized herding dogs may be, there’s a question that lingers in the air—quite literally: do corgis fart?

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering this peculiar aspect of corgi companionship, fear not! In this guide, I’ll delve into the realm of managing your corgi’s flatulence with practical tips to help gas pass.

Let’s navigate the delicate dance of canine gas and keep the atmosphere in your home as delightful as your corgi’s personality.

Do corgis fart a lot?

Most corgis are not excessive farters. But corgis, like many other dog breeds, are known to fart occasionally.

While it is normal for dogs to pass gas, excessive flatulence can be a cause for concern. It is important to recognise the factors that contribute to corgis farting in order to address the issue effectively.

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Why do corgis fart?

The reason for most of corgi farting is their diet and health.

Let’s break these areas to give you the lowdown on what you need to know for your corgi.

1. Unhealthy diet is the main cause of corgi farting

One of the primary factors influencing corgi flatulence is their diet.

Corgis are notorious food lovers, and their sensitive digestive systems can be easily disrupted by certain foods.

A diet high in indigestible carbohydrates, such as grains or certain vegetables, can lead to increased gas production. Consuming large amounts of low-quality or highly processed foods can also contribute to flatulence in corgis.

To mitigate this issue, give your corgi a well-balanced, high-quality diet. Pick dog food that contains easily digestible ingredients – such as lean meats like chicken and turkey. Here’s a guide on what to feed your corgi.

2. Speedy eating habits can increase the chance of farting

Corgis often eat fast, gulping down air with their food. This can cause bloating and more frequent farting.

To help prevent this, try slowing down their eating by using special bowls or toys that make mealtime more interactive. I find that when your dog slows down, they start to get a number of health benefits – not just farting.

3. Food sensitivities and allergies can cause corgis to fart more

Similar to people, corgis can experience stomach problems and gas due to food sensitivities or allergies.

If they eat foods high in hard-to-digest carbs, poor-quality ingredients, or things they’re sensitive or allergic to, it can lead to lots of gas. It’s crucial to figure out and avoid these foods to keep their farting under control.

Every corgi is different, but some common culprits for causing gas in dogs, including corgis, are dairy products, wheat, soy, and specific proteins.

It’s a good idea to talk to your vet to find out if your corgi has any specific food restrictions. They can suggest methods like eliminating certain foods or doing allergy tests to figure out the specific trigger and create a suitable diet plan.

4. Gastrointestinal disorders can cause farting

Sometimes, constant farting in corgis could indicate a more serious problem with their stomach or intestines.

Issues like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or infections in the gastrointestinal tract can mess up digestion and cause more gas.

If your corgi keeps farting a lot and shows other signs like diarrhea, vomiting, or changes in appetite, it’s crucial to take them to the vet.

5. Stress and anxiety can contribute to farting

Stress and anxiety can affect a dog’s well-being, including their digestion, and sometimes, it might make corgis more gassy.

To reduce stress-related flatulence, make sure your corgi has a calm and cosy space, and use positive training or seek professional help to manage any anxiety issues they might have.

This can make a difference in reducing stress-related gas.

This corgi puppy outside in the grass needs to calm down and relax. It is very energetic and running around.

How to manage corgi farts?

The best way to manage your corgi’s farting is through diet, routine, and exercise.

Now that we have explored the potential causes of corgi flatulence, let’s discuss practical strategies to manage and reduce excessive gas in your corgi companion.

1. Give you corgi a high-quality diet

As I covered before, what you feed your corgi plays a big role in keeping them healthy and avoiding tummy troubles.

Choose a top-notch dog food with ingredients that are easy for them to digest, and steer clear of things they might be allergic to. If your corgi has specific food sensitivities, go for dog food with fewer ingredients or different protein sources.

A well-rounded diet with the right amount of proteins (about 1 gram per pound at ideal weight), good fats, and carbs can help their digestion and reduce the chances of them passing gas too much.

If you need to change their diet, as a general guideline, give it at least two to three weeks to see if there’s any improvement in flatulence levels after making the adjustments.

Keep in mind that some corgis might need a bit more time for the adjustments to show noticeable results.

2. Give your corgi more meals in smaller portions

Creating a consistent feeding schedule can improve your corgi’s digestion and lower the chance of them having too much gas.

Instead of giving them one big meal each day, split their daily food into several smaller meals. This helps prevent them from swallowing air too quickly while eating, and it supports better digestion.

3. Slow feed your corgi

As mentioned earlier, corgis have a tendency to eat quickly, which can contribute to flatulence.

Implementing slow feeding methods can encourage your corgi to eat at a slower pace, reducing the intake of air during meals.

There are various specialised bowls and feeding toys available that are designed to slow down eating speed. These tools promote mental stimulation while making sure your corgi eats at a healthier pace.

4. Give your corgi lots of exercise

Making sure your corgi gets regular exercise is key to keeping them healthy and can also cut down on how much they fart.

Include activities like brisk walks or interactive play in their daily routine. Exercise gets their bowels moving and encourages good digestion, lowering the chances of too much gas building up.

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Final thoughts on do corgis fart?

We all want a happy corgi that smells nice! And dealing with gas is an important step to make that happen.

A good diet, encouraging slower eating, and dealing with any food issues can make your corgi happier and less prone to excessive gas. And don’t forget to chat with your vet for personal tips.

Here’s to enjoying many wonderful moments with your corgi, minus the extra gas!

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