Do Corgis Get Cold? Tips to Keep Them From Freezing

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Corgis are super cute and friendly dogs that lots of people love as pets. But some people worry about how well corgis can handle cold weather – and if they get cold.

In this guide, I’ll show you why corgis are naturally tough, what temperatures are best for them, and some helpful tips to keep them cosy when it gets cold.

Are corgis suited to cold weather?

Yes, corgis are well-suited to cold weather due to their natural resilience and adaptability.

Originating from Wales, corgis come with a heritage shaped by working in diverse climates.

Their distinctive double coat, featuring a dense, insulating undercoat and a weather-resistant outer coat, equips them to withstand varying weather conditions.

Despite this natural resilience, some precautions are necessary in extreme cold. That will keep them safe when they’re off playing in the snow.

Walking with my corgi in the snow.

What temperatures are too cold for corgis?

Corgis are comfortable in most cold temperatures, but extreme cold below freezing, especially when accompanied by harsh wind chill, can be challenging for them.

Corgis genuinely enjoy cold weather and can endure temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) due to their robust double coat. Any colder and you’re much better off staying inside with your dog.

Now, anecdotally, I’ve heard stories of owner owners from western Canada attest to their corgis being comfortable on walks in the -10° to -15° C range.

I would advise though, that you keep them inside when you can at those temperatures.

How do corgis survive in the cold?

Corgis survive in the cold by relying on their double coat. This helps regulate their body temperature and provides protection against harsh weather conditions.

Corgis typically have thicker fur on their paw pads, providing extra insulation against cold surfaces. This helps prevent their paws from becoming too cold and protects them from ice and snow.

Corgis may exhibit certain behaviours to stay warm, such as curling up in a ball to conserve body heat or seeking shelter in a warm spot. They may also dig or burrow in the snow to create a more insulated sleeping area.

How does a corgi’s double coat help them manage cold?

A corgi’s double coat traps warm air close to their bodies, providing insulation and helping them manage cold temperatures.

The corgi’s double coat plays a pivotal role in their ability to regulate body temperature.

  • The inner layer, thick and soft, provides insulation, retaining body heat during colder periods.
  • The outer layer, coarser and water-resistant, shields them from dampness and harsh winds.

These two layers help protect your beautiful dog in the cold.

How to Tell if Your Corgi is Too Cold? Recognizing Signs of Cold in Dogs

Observing your Corgi’s behaviour is key to recognizing signs of cold. Watch for shivering, seeking warmth, reluctance to go outside, and a hunched posture, indicating they may be too cold and need protection or warmth.

I really care about the health of our furry friends, especially when it’s cold outside.

Dogs, like people, can be sensitive to the cold, but they might not always show it the same way we do. As a responsible pet owner, you need make sure your dog is comfortable when it’s cold.

Here’s a few signs you should look out for to keep you corgi safe.

1. Your corgi is shivering

One of the most obvious signs of cold in dogs is shivering. When your dog shivers, it is their body’s natural response to generate heat.

If you notice your furry friend trembling or shivering, it’s a clear indication that they are feeling chilly and need some extra warmth.

2. Your corgi is curling up in a ball

Dogs often curl up when they feel cold to conserve body heat.

If you find your dog curling into a tight ball or seeking out warm spots in your home, it’s a sign that they are trying to stay warm and need your attention.

3. Your corgi has cold ears and paws

When your dog’s ears and paws feel cold to the touch, it’s an indication that their extremities are being affected by the cold weather.

Cold ears and paws could be a sign that your dog needs protection from the chilly conditions.

4. Your corgi is whining or restless

Unusual whining, pacing, or restlessness can also be signs of discomfort caused by the cold.

Your dog may be trying to communicate that they need warmth and attention. If that’s the case, keep them safe and bring them inside.

This happy corgi is smiling in the snow. They love going for winter walks. Just don't get hypothermia little friend. And don't get too cold.

How to keep your corgi comfortable in the cold? Tips to keep them warm

To keep your corgi comfortable in the cold, give them a cosy shelter, dress them in a doggy coat for added warmth, limit outdoor exposure during extreme cold, keep their paws protected, and maintain regular exercise to keep them active and generate body heat.

Let’s look closer at some of these tips and how you can keep your corgi warm on colder days.

1. Invest in cosy dog clothing

When temperatures drop, consider investing in well-fitted, warm dog sweaters or jackets.

While it may seem like a fashion statement, dog clothing serves a functional purpose by providing insulation and protection from the cold weather. Choose options that cover your dog’s whole body.

Dog clothing not only shields your canine companion from harsh weather elements but also prevents them from losing essential body heat. This is particularly important for smaller breeds, like the corgi.

Look for materials that are both warm and breathable to ensure your dog remains comfortable.

2. Create a warm bedding area

A warm and comfortable bedding area is essential for your dog’s well-being during colder months.

Provide a cosy bed with soft blankets to keep them off cold surfaces and offer insulation. Consider placing their bed away from drafts and cold windows, ensuring a snug and warm space for them to rest.

Orthopaedic beds with memory foam can be an excellent choice, providing additional support for older dogs or those with joint issues.

Regularly wash bedding to maintain cleanliness and freshness, as a clean and inviting bed is more likely to entice your dog to snuggle up.

3. Limit outdoor exposure

While outdoor activities are crucial for your dog’s physical and mental well-being, it’s important to limit their exposure during colder months, especially in frigid temperatures.

Shorten the duration of walks and ensure they are adequately covered with a dog coat. Consider investing in a coat that covers their chest and belly for extra protection.

Pay attention to your dog’s behaviour during outdoor activities. If they start shivering or lifting their paws off the ground due to the cold, it’s time to head back indoors.

Make sure you wipe their paws and belly after walks to remove any ice or snow, preventing irritation.

4. Use safe heating options

Indoor heating is essential for both you and your dog’s comfort during the winter.

However, it’s crucial to ensure that any heating devices used are pet-safe. Keep space heaters out of your dog’s reach and monitor them closely to prevent accidents or burns.

Consider using pet-friendly heating pads or mats in designated areas where your dog likes to relax. These can provide targeted warmth without the risk of overheating or injury.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations when using heating devices around pets.

5. Consider dog booties

Protecting your dog’s paws from cold surfaces, ice, and snow is vital during winter walks.

Dog booties offer an effective solution by providing a barrier between their sensitive paw pads and the elements. They also add an extra layer of insulation to keep your dog’s feet warm.

When choosing dog booties, ensure they fit snugly without being too tight.

Dogs may take some time to adjust to wearing booties, so introduce them gradually and use positive reinforcement to associate the experience with something positive.

Regularly check for signs of irritation or discomfort, and make adjustments as needed.

6. Keep indoor temperatures comfortable

Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is crucial for your dog’s well-being. If you use a thermostat, set it to a temperature that ensures your furry companion’s comfort.

While it’s tempting to lower the thermostat to save on energy costs, remember that dogs, especially those with short fur, can be more sensitive to the cold.

If you’re leaving the house for an extended period, consider leaving a cozy blanket or bed near a heat source, ensuring your dog has a warm spot to snuggle.

Monitor their behaviour to gauge their comfort level, and make adjustments as needed to keep them warm and content.

Is it hard to raise a corgi? Tips for new corgi owners to keep their corgi smiling happy like this Pembroke Welsh Corgi looking off at his owner.

Final thoughts on tips to keep your cold corgi warm

As responsible pet owners, it’s our duty to focus our dogs’ well-being, especially during challenging weather conditions.

Don’t take them out when the temperature is freezing, and look for those signs of discomfort.

By investing in cozy dog clothing, creating a warm bedding area, limiting outdoor exposure, using safe heating options, considering dog booties, and keeping indoor temperatures comfortable, you keep your canine companion snug throughout the colder months.

Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in keeping your dog warm and fostering a strong bond between you and your furry friend.

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