Do Corgis Go Deaf? How to Care For a Deaf Dog

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Corgis are undeniably charming with their short legs, perky ears, and playful personalities. But like any other breed, they aren’t exempt from health issues, including hearing impairment.

Deafness can affect corgis just as it can impact most dog breeds. It’s not uncommon for some corgis to experience hearing loss, either partially or completely.

Deafness in corgis can be congenital, meaning they are born with it, or acquired later in life due to age or medical problems.

Just like people, older corgis may face a decline in their ability to hear. This happens gradually and is common in senior corgis.

The good news is that even if a corgi is deaf, it doesn’t change their happy and loving nature. These little dogs are resilient and adapt well to their surroundings. They often use their other senses, like a strong sense of smell and sharp eyesight, to get around and interact with the world.

If you think your corgi is having trouble hearing, let’s take a closer look at the issue.

Are corgis prone to going deaf?

Yes, corgis can be prone to deafness. Congenital deafness (deafness at birth) in corgis is often linked to their genetics. Some corgis inherit a predisposition to hearing problems from their parents, particularly those with a predominantly white coat.

Did you know that congenital deafness has been reported in over 100 dog breeds?

Corgis get their traits from their family, just like we do from our parents. This includes things like hearing ability, which is often connected to their coat colour.

Some corgis, especially those with mostly white fur, have genes that impact both their coat color and their hearing. This is because the gene that affects fur colour has a knock-off effect that can impact hearing.

But it’s important to know that just because corgis might have a tendency for something, it doesn’t mean every corgi will experience it. Many corgis have perfect hearing throughout their lives.

Are merle corgis prone to deafness?

Yes. Merle corgis are more likely to be deaf that standard Pembroke and Cardigan corgi colourings.

A double Merle, also referred to as a homozygous Merle, is a canine that has inherited a pair of Merle genes, one from each parent.

In a Merle litter, each puppy has a 25% likelihood of acquiring both genes, resulting in a double Merle.

Breeding two Merle Corgis can be potentially hazardous, as it increases the risk of abnormalities like blindness and severe deafness in the offspring, as the genetic trait is more common in merle breeds.

How to prevent deafness in corgis?

Preventing deafness in corgis involves responsible breeding and early vet care when problems arise. You should also reduce exposure to excessively loud noises that could potentially harm their hearing.

Honestly, once deafness sets in, there’s not much you can do except to adapt and make life easier for your furry friend. But let’s talk about preventing it in the first place.

Deafness tends to be more common in corgis with the merle coloration. So, when you’re on the hunt for a corgi, especially from a breeder, keep a keen eye out.

Not all breeders are looking out for the dog’s well-being; some are just after the bucks. They might pair up corgis that shouldn’t be bred together, like two merle corgis, which increases the risk of their puppies being born deaf.

How to know your breeder is reputable to help prevent deafness?

The real key to preventing deafness is finding a trustworthy, ethical breeder.

Sure, some corgi pups might be a bit cheaper, but they could end up with more health issues than just deafness. Buying a pup from a dodgy breeder can lead to a string of costly vet visits. And unfortunately, the vet can’t perform miracles to cure genetic diseases.

How do you know if a breeder is legit? Well, a good sign is if they’re open to discussing the corgi’s parents and potential health issues. If they dodge these questions or won’t show you the parents, it’s a red flag for unethical breeding.

Corgis bred ethically are not just less likely to be deaf, but they’re generally healthier all around. So, look for breeders who stand by their corgis with a health guarantee when you make a purchase.

Without that guarantee, you’re taking a gamble and might end up shelling out thousands each year for treating genetic conditions. Better to pay a bit more for a healthy, happy corgi in the long run, right?

Find out more about how you can take the right steps to buy a corgi.

How to tell your corgi is going deaf? 4 common signs of deafness in corgis?

Early detection of deafness is crucial to ensuring a corgi’s quality of life.

As responsible pet owners, we must be attentive to signs that may indicate hearing impairment. Some common indicators include:

  1. Lack of response: If your corgi does not respond to sounds that would typically elicit a reaction, such as their name being called or loud noises, it may be an early sign of deafness.
  2. Startled reactions: Deaf corgis might startle easily, especially if they are not aware of approaching people or other animals.
  3. Sleeping soundly: Deaf corgis may sleep more soundly and be less responsive to ambient noises during rest.
  4. Unaffected by sound: Clap your hands or make other loud noises from a distance to see if your corgi reacts. A deaf dog may not respond at all.

These are all important things for you to look our for in your corgi.

What to do if your corgi is going deaf?

If you suspect that your corgi may be experiencing hearing loss, it is essential to seek professional veterinary advice.

A veterinarian experienced in dealing with deafness in dogs can conduct specific tests to confirm the condition.

Remember, early diagnosis can significantly impact how well your corgi adapts to its new circumstances and the measures you can take to support them.

How to communicate with a deaf corgi? 4 steps you can try

Communicate with a deaf corgi by using visual signals, hand gestures, and positive reinforcement through treats.

Dealing with a deaf corgi requires patience, understanding, and proactive training techniques. Here are some useful strategies to help your furry friend thrive:

  1. Vibrations and stomping: Use vibrations and gentle stomping on the floor to get your corgi’s attention. They are sensitive to these subtle movements and can pick up on them even without hearing.
  2. Visual cues: Incorporate objects into your training routine (such as toys or their bowl) to communicate with your corgi effectively. Positive reinforcement methods work exceptionally well for deaf dogs.
  3. Flashlight training: In low-light conditions or at a distance, a flashlight can be a useful tool to get your corgi’s attention. Flash the light on the ground or a nearby surface to direct them. You can also use lights as a form of clicker training.
  4. Hand signals: Consistency is key when using hand signals, so make sure everyone in your household or those who interact with your corgi use the same signals. You can use these for training common commands like sit, stay or down.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of training your deaf corgi. As traditional verbal commands may not work, you can use these alternative methods to convey your expectations and reinforce positive behaviours in your corgi.

How to protect a deaf corgi from harm?

To protect a deaf corgi from harm, use visual cues, secure the environment, and provide consistent training using hand signals. Employ positive reinforcement in training, and ensure close supervision in public areas.

Taking care of a deaf corgi, a lively and charming breed, requires special attention. Although deafness doesn’t stop them from enjoying life, it does bring some challenges in keeping our furry friends safe.

To ensure your deaf corgi stays happy and healthy, it’s important to use effective communication methods and create secure environments. Follow these safety measures to take good care of your beloved pet.

  • Safe environment: Creating a secure living environment is a vital first step. This involves removing potential hazards and setting up a safe, enclosed space, such as a fenced yard, where the corgi can play and explore without the risk of wandering into danger.
  • Training classes: Consider enrolling your corgi in training classes that specialize in deaf dogs. Professional trainers can provide valuable insights and help you and your furry companion build a stronger bond.
  • Visual cues at home: Use visual cues and hand signals to communicate with your corgi even when they are at home. For example, you can use a flashlight to call them if they are in another room. If they are trained with visual cues, they are able to stay safe in complex and confusing spaces.
  • Secure fencing: Confirm that your yard’s fencing is secure to prevent your corgi from wandering off unknowingly.
  • Leash and harness: Always use a leash and harness when taking your corgi for walks. This ensures that you have control over their movements, keeping them safe from potential hazards.

These will help you protect your beautiful furry friend!

How to socialise a deaf corgi?

To socialise a deaf corgi, focus on positive exposure to different spaces, people, and animals. Use visual cues, gentle introductions, and reinforcing positive behaviours with treats or rewards..

To help your corgi become confident and adaptable, expose them to different environments, people, and animals early on.

Keep social interactions positive and stress-free. Introduce your corgi to new experiences gradually, giving them time to adjust without overwhelming them.

If your corgi is comfortable without a leash, set up playdates with other well-behaved dogs. This allows them to interact and communicate through body language.

Supervise all interactions with other dogs, especially during the initial stages. This way, you can intervene if any misunderstandings or conflicts arise. This helps your deaf corgi feel safe and comfortable.

How to groom a deaf corgi?

Grooming a deaf corgi involves regular brushing to manage their double coat, checking and cleaning ears, trimming nails, and using visual signals or gentle touches to ensure a comfortable grooming experience.

Regular grooming and health checkups are essential for every corgi, and deaf dogs are no exception.

Pay extra attention to their ears and maintain good hygiene to prevent any potential ear issues. Cleaning their ears regularly can help minimise the risk of ear infections and ensure they remain healthy.

You also want to ensure that they are calm and happy before you trim their fur. You don’t want them to suddenly freak out because they didn’t know the clippers were there.

Final thoughts on corgi deafness

In short, it’s important to know if your corgi is deaf to keep them happy and healthy. Ask experts for the best care.

Finding out early, using positive training, and communicating well are key to handling deafness and forming a close connection with your corgi.

Be patient and meet your deaf corgi’s needs and build a loving relationship – even if they can’t hear you

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