Why Not to Buy a Corgi? 6 Downsides of Owning a Corgi

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

There’s lots of reasons to buy a corgi. But there’s also a few reasons not to buy a corgi. And in the interest of fairness for other dogs, I thought I’d list them here.

Corgis are a high-energy breed that demand a lot of exercise and significant care and attention from their owners. They are also susceptible to specific corgi health issues that require special care and management.

If you’re a potential first-time corgi owner, here are some downsides of corgi ownership you should be mindful of before making the decision to welcome a corgi into your home.

1. Corgis need to be kept active and busy

As corgis have a lot of energy, one of the downsides of owning a corgi is they need to be kept busy. Be prepared for lots of walks, exercise, and playing with your corgi to burn off some of that energy.

This is an important aspect to consider for new dog owners. Regular walks, exercise, and playtime are essential to keep them engaged and content. Think of them like active toddlers—they need to burn off that energy to stay happy.

Being cooped up in an office or confined space all day wouldn’t suit a corgi well. They have a natural inclination to be on the move and engaged. If they don’t get enough physical and mental stimulation, they may start displaying unwanted behaviours like excessive barking, chewing, or digging.

Providing adequate exercise can be a challenge, especially for those with busy schedules or limited space. It demands a commitment of time and effort to ensure your corgi remains mentally and physically stimulated.

Having a variety of activities and toys on hand, such as walks, runs, games, and chew toys, can help manage their high energy levels and maintain a harmonious home environment.

2. Corgis shed their fur around your home

Because of their thick coat, a downside of owning a corgi is that the shed a lot of fur around the house. Always schedule time for regular grooming to keep it under control and manageable.

One drawback of having a corgi as a pet is their heavy shedding.

Due to their thick fur, it’s something you’ll need to manage with regular grooming sessions. Imagine having a messy roommate who constantly leaves clothes scattered around—well, for corgis, it’s fur!

Their dense, double-coat sheds quite a bit, particularly during seasonal changes like spring and autumn. During these times, you’ll notice a significant amount of fur being shed as their coat adjusts to the shifting weather.

Dealing with their shedding can be challenging. Loose fur ends up all over your home, making cleaning a frequent task, and it can be a trigger for allergies in some individuals.

Keeping your clothing and furniture free of pet hair becomes a persistent struggle, especially if your corgi likes to snuggle on the bed or furniture.

If you’re considering bringing a corgi into your home, be prepared with a trusty vacuum cleaner—it’ll be your go-to tool for keeping up with the fur cleanup.

3. Corgis can be defensive and territorial

A downside of corgi ownership is they are defensive and territorial dogs, due to being bred to watch over farms. You may have to spend time to adjust them to strangers or other house pets.

Owning a corgi comes with the challenge of managing their defensive and territorial tendencies, a characteristic rooted in their history as farm watchdogs.

They may need time and training to acclimate to new people or other pets in the household.

As a breed with a herding background, corgis have a natural inclination to protect and defend, particularly the spaces they consider their own. It’s like they have a sense of duty to guard their home front and living areas.

This protective instinct can manifest through quick barking and growling when they encounter unfamiliar individuals or animals, especially if they perceive them as potential threats. It’s akin to safeguarding their home’s sanctity.

When introducing other pets, ensure it’s done thoughtfully, respecting your corgi’s need for personal space—just as you wouldn’t want someone intruding into your private space without warning.

Training can be incredibly beneficial in toning down their territorial tendencies. This ultimately fosters a more relaxed environment for your dog.

4. Corgis can be destructive

Corgis, being a highly active breed, can resort to destructive behaviours if they aren’t kept mentally and physically engaged. This can be a reason not to buy a corgi.

It’s vital to dedicate time to exercise, play, and provide toys to deter them from chewing and digging around the house.

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are crucial to a corgi’s well-being, and if they don’t get enough, boredom can set in. This boredom often leads to undesirable actions such as gnawing on furniture, your prized sneakers, or various household items. Repairing or replacing these can be both costly and challenging.

Preventing destructive behaviours in corgis needs effective training. It’s an investment of time and effort to guide them towards appropriate outlets for their energy and curiosity. Early training is key to reducing potential damage caused by an untrained corgi.

Initiating training early on will help minimise the havoc an untrained corgi can wreak. Additionally, ensure they get plenty of walks to redirect their mental focus and energy away from destructive tendencies.

5. Corgis have a loud bark

​A big consideration that often deters prospective corgi owners is their corgi’s loud bark, which can cause disruptions, especially if you have nearby neighbours or frequently work from home.

While some might view this as an advantage—a built-in burglar alarm without the need for technology—it can be a bit of a challenge at 6 am when you’re trying to catch some extra sleep and the house is still and quiet.

Being a herding breed, corgis have a natural tendency to communicate through barking. This means they may bark more than desired, especially when they’re excited, anxious, or feeling bored.

This desire for excessive barking can be a downside when keeping a corgi in an apartment or close-quarters setting, disturbing both inhabitants and neighbours.

Also, their loud barking might not be suitable for people with sensitive hearing or those easily unsettled by loud noises. It’s definitely worth considering not to buy a corgi if this is an issue.

While training can certainly aid in managing their barking, it’s not a standalone solution. Alternative outlets for their vocalisations, like toys and regular walks, can help channel their energy and reduce excessive barking.

6. Corgis take up a lot of time

Corgis, being high-energy and intelligent dogs, demand a substantial amount of time and attention from their owners.

Their energetic nature requires regular and extended periods of exercise to keep them physically healthy and mentally stimulated. Daily walks, play sessions, and engaging activities are crucial to their well-being and happiness.

Moreover, grooming a corgi’s thick double coat necessitates regular brushing to prevent matting and manage shedding. This grooming routine can be time-consuming, especially during shedding seasons when their fur tends to shed more profusely.

Training is another aspect that consumes a significant chunk of time.

Corgis are intelligent dogs. In fact, they are rated 11th smartest breed by in The Intelligence of Dogs by Professor Stanley Coren from University of British Columbia.

Because of this, they can be trained well, but it requires consistent and patient effort. Training sessions for obedience, commands, and socialisation need to be integrated into their routine.

Beyond physical and mental needs, corgis are highly social dogs that thrive on companionship. Spending quality time bonding with your corgi is essential for their emotional well-being. They enjoy interaction, play, and simply being around their human companions.

It’s a rewarding experience, but prospective owners should be prepared for the time investment required to ensure a happy and healthy corgi. And it can be a good reason not to buy a corgi if it’s too much for you.

Final thoughts on why not to buy a corgi

​There are six important considerations to weigh before deciding to bring a corgi into your life.

They have a high energy level demanding regular engagement, shed fur extensively, possess a defensive and territorial nature, may exhibit destructive behaviour if not stimulated, tend to have a loud bark, and require a significant time commitment. Not to put you off though!

While these aspects can present challenges, being aware and prepared can help you navigate and accommodate these characteristics in a way that fosters a loving relationship with your corgi.

With dedication, proper training, and a willingness to invest the necessary time and effort, you can create a joyful home for both you and your corgi.

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