One thing that always baffles me is when a corgi doesn’t want to eat.
Corgis are known for their hearty appetites and love of food. So, it can be concerning when our dogs suddenly stop eating or won’t eat at all.
I remember when it happened to my little boy, and it was the worst thing in the world trying to diagnose the problem. Thankfully in my case it was just a little indigestion that soon passed. But not all dogs are so lucky.
It’s important to pay close attention to your corgi’s eating habits and consult with a vet if you notice any changes, as a lack of appetite can quickly lead to serious health issues.
So, if you’re a corgi owner and you’re asking yourself why they don’t want to eat, it’s important we get to the bottom of it. Here I’ll discuss common reasons why dogs may refuse to eat and what you can do to help.
Why doesn’t my corgi want to eat? 5 reasons you corgi isn’t eating
There are many reasons why a corgi might lose their appetite, from minor issues like indigestion to more serious health problems like a digestive blockage or a kidney problem. Stress, changes in routine, and even the weather can also impact a corgi’s desire to eat.
As pet owners, we all want to provide the best possible care for our furry friends. After all, we spend a lot time, money and energy to keep them happy and healthy.
Here’s some things for you to be on the lookout for in your corgi if they are resisting the urge to chow down on their favourite meal.
1. Your corgi has a medical issue
One of the first things to consider when your dog won’t eat is whether there is a medical issue at play.
Some common medical issues that can cause a loss of appetite in dogs include:
- Dental problems
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Liver or kidney disease
- Cancer
- Pancreatitis
If you suspect your dog may have a medical issue, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. They are the most qualified person to provide a diagnosis. You can read more about corgi health issues here.
2. Your corgi has changed their diet
Dogs can be finicky eaters, and even small changes to their diet can cause them to stop eating.
If you have recently changed your dog’s food, consider switching back to their old food to see if that helps.
It’s also important to ensure that your dog is getting the right amount of food for their size and activity level. Overfeeding or underfeeding can cause a loss of appetite.
3. Your corgi is stressed or anxious
Just like humans, dogs can experience stress and anxiety that can affect their eating habits. Some common causes of stress in dogs include:
- Moving to a new home
- The arrival of a new pet or baby
- Loud noises such as fireworks or thunderstorms
If you suspect stress may be the issue, try to identify the source of the stress and remove it if possible. You can also talk to your vet about using medication to help reduce your dog’s anxiety
4. Your corgi is bored
Dogs that are bored and don’t have enough mental stimulation can lose their appetite.
Make sure your dog is getting enough physical and mental exercise each day, and consider adding interactive toys to their routine. Here’s some ideas to keep your corgi active.
5. Your corgi is aging
As dogs age, their metabolism can slow down and they may lose their interest in food.
If your senior dog is refusing to eat, talk to your vet about switching to a senior-specific diet that is easier for them to digest. Find out more about the reasons behind why you corgi might not be eating.
How long can a corgi go without eating?
It is not recommended for dogs to go more than 24-48 hours without eating.
If your dog is refusing to eat for an extended period of time, it is important to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying medical issues.
Your vet will be able to assess the problem and help get them back on the road to recovery.

How to make your corgi eat? 4 steps to try before getting a vet
Once you have determined the cause of your dog’s appetite loss, it’s time to start restoring its appetite.
Some common strategies for restoring a dog’s appetite include:
- Offering more appealing food options, such as fresh meat or wet food
- Making mealtime more enjoyable by offering treats or playing with your dog before and after eating
- Creating a quiet, stress-free environment for your dog to eat in
- Providing small, frequent meals throughout the day
It’s important to work with your veterinarian to find the best approach for restoring your dog’s appetite, as the appropriate strategy will depend on the underlying cause of the appetite loss.
How to find out why my corgi won’t eat? I’m not sure why they’re not eating?
If your dog is not eating, and you can’t work out why, it’s important to seek the advice of a veterinarian.
A veterinarian can help diagnose the underlying cause of your dog’s appetite loss and recommend an appropriate course of treatment.
They may also conduct tests, such as blood tests, to rule out any underlying health conditions that may be affecting your dog’s appetite.
My corgi is having issues with certain types of food
It’s essential to address any dietary issues to ensure your pet’s health and well-being. Here are a few steps you can take to help resolve the problem:
1. My corgi won’t eat dry food?
Dogs can be finicky eaters, and even small changes to their diet can cause them to stop eating.
If your dog won’t eat dry food, try adding a small amount of wet food or broth to make it more appealing. You may also want to try switching to a different brand of dry food.
2. My corgi will only eat treats?
If your dog won’t eat dog food but will eat treats, try using small pieces of their dog food as treats.
Gradually decrease the amount of treats and increase the amount of dog food until your dog is eating primarily their dog food. You may also want to try adding a small amount of wet food or broth to make their dog food more appealing.
3. My dog won’t drink water?
If your dog won’t eat or drink water, then you need to talk to your vet. Right away. A lack of drinking water is very serious.
It isn’t normal for a dog to go more than a few hours without drinking or eating anything.

My corgi is a fussy eater, what can I do? 4 things to try!
A fussy dog can be a challenge for pet owners, especially when it comes to mealtime.
However, with a little patience and the right approach, it’s possible to help even the most finicky dog enjoy mealtime. Here are some tips for curing a fussy dog eater:
1. Offer a variety of foods
Some dogs can get bored with the same food day in and day out. Offer a variety of foods, including wet food, dry food, and even fresh meat, to keep mealtime interesting for your dog. This can help increase their interest in eating and encourage them to be more adventurous with their food choices.
2. Make mealtime special
Make mealtime a special and enjoyable experience for your dog. Offer treats or play with your dog before and after eating to create a positive association with mealtime. You can also try feeding your dog in a quiet and calm environment to reduce any stress or anxiety that may be affecting their appetite.
3. Serve small, frequent meals
If your dog is a picky eater, it can be helpful to serve smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This can help keep their metabolism active and prevent boredom with mealtime. It can also help encourage them to eat more, as they will have smaller portions to consume.
4. Add toppings to food
Adding a little something extra to your dog’s food can make it more appealing and encourage them to eat more. Try adding a small amount of canned pumpkin, cooked eggs, or even cheese to your dog’s food to make it more appealing.
Eating issues for different ages of corgis
When it comes to eating issues, different ages of corgis may experience similar problems since they belong to the same breed, Pembroke Welsh Corgi or Cardigan Welsh Corgi.
However, individual corgis may have specific dietary needs or sensitivities based on their age. Here are some general eating issues that corgis may encounter at different ages.
1. My corgi puppy won’t eat?
Puppies can be finicky eaters, and it is not uncommon for them to refuse food from time to time. If your puppy won’t eat, try switching to a different brand of puppy food. You may also want to try adding a small amount of wet food or broth to make their food more appealing.
2. My old corgi won’t eat?
As dogs age, their metabolism can slow down and they may lose their interest in food. If your senior dog is not eating well, talk to your vet about switching to a senior-specific diet that is easier for them to digest. You may also want to try adding a small amount of wet food or broth to make their food more appealing.
3. My sick or recovering corgi won’t eat?
If your dog is sick or recovering from an illness, they may have a decreased appetite. It is important to talk to your vet about what type of food and how much food your dog should be eating during this time. In some cases, your vet may recommend a special diet or medication to help stimulate your dog’s appetite.

How do I keep my corgi healthy?
Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is essential for keeping your dog healthy and happy.
Regular check-ups with your veterinarian can help ensure that your dog is receiving the proper nutrition and care it needs to stay healthy.
It’s also important to be aware of any changes in your dog’s behaviour or eating habits, as these can be indicative of underlying health issues.
By understanding the causes of appetite loss in dogs and taking steps to address this issue, you can help ensure that your furry friends receive the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy and happy.
Final thoughts on why your corgi won’t eat
Dealing with a picky eater can pose a challenge when it comes to dogs, but by employing the correct approach, you can assist even the most selective dog in relishing mealtime.
Introduce a variety of food options, make mealtimes an extraordinary experience, offer smaller and more frequent meals, enhance the food with toppings, and seek advice from a veterinarian if necessary.
Through a combination of patience and perseverance, you can guide your finicky dog towards establishing a healthy and enjoyable relationship with food.
In instances where your dog refuses to eat, it is crucial to initially rule out any underlying medical conditions. If no medical issues are present, potential causes such as dietary changes, stress, anxiety, boredom, or aging should be considered.
With appropriate support and care, the majority of dogs can regain their appetite and continue to lead happy and healthy lives.