How Much Exercise Do Corgis Need? Tips for Active Dogs

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Did you know that more than half of the dogs in the United States are overweight or obese! That’s about 45 million dogs carrying extra weight and not getting enough exercise – a concerning fact for any dog lover!

If a dog is too heavy, it can cause problems with their kidneys, how long they live, breathing, and how well they can move. It might also lead to issues like arthritis, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.

This is especially true for corgis. Because corgis have a long back and short legs, they are more likely to have problems with their back, hips, and joints. To make sure these stay healthy, it’s important to stop your corgi from getting too fat.

So, let’s talk about something important. How much exercise do corgis need?

Based on my experiences, I’ll tell you how much exercise your corgi needs and give you tips on how to keep them active, healthy, and happy.

Do corgis need lots of exercise?

Corgis need 1 hour of exercise each day. This can be split into two half hour session, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Corgis are little dogs that are full of energy and love to play. They were first bred to work as herding dogs, so they are surprisingly strong and agile.

Even though they don’t have to herd animals anymore, they still have lots of natural energy. To make sure they stay healthy, it’s essential to give them regular exercise.

A corgi puppy with floppy ears siting in the grass waiting for their first-time dog owner.
Corgis need about an hour of exercise a day to stay healthy.

How much exercise does your corgi need at each age?

Your corgi’s exercise needs vary, but generally, aim for 20-30 minutes of playtime for puppies, 30-60 minutes for adults, and consider individual factors like health and energy levels.

Just like people, the amount of exercise corgis need change as they get older. It’s crucial to understand these needs at different stages of their life to ensure they receive proper care.

Let’s take a closer look at these stages now.

1. How much exercise do corgi puppies (up to 6 months) need?

When a corgi is under six months old, a good rule is around 5 minutes of play per month of age, spread throughout the day.

Corgi puppies are full of energy and need short play and exercise sessions several times a day. But be careful not to overexert them, especially since their joints are still developing.

2. How much exercise do adolescent corgis (6 – 12 Months) need?

Corgis under 1 year old need at least 30 minutes to an hour of moderate activity every day.

As corgis grow into adolescence, they need more exercise. This could involve walks, playtime in a secure area, and activities that stimulate them mentally.

3. How much exercise do adult corgis (1 to 7 years) need?

Adult corgis, aged 1 to 7 years, need 30 minutes to 1 hour of moderate exercise each day.

This can include activities such as walks, playtime, and mental stimulation. Tailor the length and strength of activities according to your corgi’s energy, health, and likes.

Making sure they get regular exercise is vital for their overall health, keeping them at a good weight and promoting good mental health.

4. How much exercise do senior corgis (7+ years) need?

Senior corgis aged 7 years and older require 30 minutes to 1 hour of moderate exercise per day – usually slightly less than they did when they were younger.

As corgis get older, they might have less energy, but you still need to keep them active for their well-being. I find there’s a few simple ways to adapt.

You can modify the intensity and length of their activities according to their health and mobility. Gentle walks, shorter playtimes, and mental exercises are great ways to keep senior corgis healthy and happy.

Should I Get Two Corgis? Here's two corgis playing together in the grass outside. It is good for them to socialise with each other.

What exercise is good for corgis?

These smart and playful pups need both physical and mental activities to be happy. They like different kinds of exercises, so mixing things up in their routine will keep them active and engaged.

Here’s some of my favourite ways to keep your corgi healthy

1. Walking

Corgis need regular walks to stay healthy and happy. Aim for at least two walks each day to let them explore and burn off their energy.

Despite their short legs, corgis can handle runs and hikes quite well. I remember a cool morning when I first got my dog; his excitement was amazing as we walked through the autumn leaves. It’s still the same even today.

2. Playtime

Corgis love playing, especially games like fetch and frisbee. Make sure to include interactive play in their daily routine to keep them active. I cherish the memories of taking my old dog to the park, where we would join my friends and their pets for some magic moments together!

3. Off-Leash time

If you have a safe and enclosed space, allow your corgi some off-leash time. It’s a special moment of freedom for them to explore and run around. Even dogs that are typically well-behaved seem to really enjoy letting loose and running around wildly when given the chance to go off-leash.

4. Agility training and obstacle courses

Corgis have a natural talent for agility exercises. Creating a small obstacle course in the backyard makes a significant difference for many dogs.

If setting up your own course isn’t feasible, consider enrolling your corgi in agility classes offered by professional trainers in your area – a great alternative to DIY training.

5. Mental stimulation

Corgis require mental exercise as well. Keep their sharp minds busy with puzzle toys, training sessions, and interactive games. Watching them solve treat puzzles is not only enjoyable for you but also provides mental stimulation for them.

Why corgis fight? Here are three corgi puppies rough-housing in the green grass.
Corgis love playing games with each other.

What are the signs your corgi is getting enough exercise?

A happy and well-exercised corgi will show signs of contentment, have a balanced energy level, and maintain a healthy weight.

Watching how your corgi behaves and checking their overall health can tell you if they’re getting enough exercise. Here’s some more details on what I think is most important to tell if your corgi is getting enough exercise.

1. Calm inside behaviour

A corgi that gets plenty of exercise will usually be calm and relaxed indoors.

If your corgi is unusually restless or doing destructive things, it might mean they need more physical activity.

2. Maintaining a healthy weight

Regular exercise is crucial for keeping your corgi at a healthy weight.

Make sure they’re not carrying extra weight, as being overweight can cause various health problems. If you’re not sure about your corgi’s weight, talk to your vet.

3. Happiness and contentment

A well-exercised corgi is generally a happy and content friend.

If your dog seems joyful, plays a lot, and has a positive attitude, it probably means they’re getting enough exercise.

4. Physical fitness

Look at your corgi’s physical condition. A dog that exercises enough will have strong muscles, a healthy coat, and overall vitality. You can compare your corgi to the breed standard to help give you a baseline to make judgements.

Are Corgis Good House Dogs? This Pembroke Welsh Corgi is happy to be inside being held by his owner.
A happy calm corgi is usually a well-exercised corgi.

How to make your exercise safe?

Make your corgi’s exercise safe by using proper gear, securing the exercise area, keeping them hydrated, and giving them mental stimulation.

To do this, and to ensure your corgi enjoys a safe exercise routine, I suggest you follow these essential tips that I’ve learnt as a dog owner.

1. Get the right gear

Make sure your corgi has the proper gear for a safe and fun time together.

Get a well-fitting collar or harness, a strong leash for walks, and durable gear for activities like fetch or training. Check and replace worn-out equipment regularly to keep your furry friend safe.

2. Secure the exercise area

Before playtime, check the area for potential dangers or harmful items. Secure loose things that could cause trouble during play and make sure there are no escape routes in fences.

This helps keep your corgi in a safe space, reducing the risk of accidents or wandering.

3. Keep them hydrated

Keep your corgi hydrated, especially during activities and hot weather. Provide fresh water during walks or park visits, and consider bringing a portable bowl.

Encourage your corgi to take breaks for a drink to support their well-being and regulate their body temperature.

4. Exercise their minds too

Corgis are not just physically active, but they’re also smart! Use puzzle toys, training sessions, or interactive games to keep their minds busy.

By including mental exercises in their routine, you make sure they have a good balance between staying physically active and mentally sharp.

Walking with my corgi in the snow.
By having the right gear, you can keep your corgi safe in all sorts of conditions.

Final thoughts of how much exercise to give your corgi

Figuring out how much exercise your corgi needs is pretty simple. Just think about your corgi’s age, health, and how much energy they have.

Try to give them around 30 minutes to an hour of exercise every day, like walks, playtime, and brain games.

Watch how your corgi acts and change their exercise if necessary. The main goal is to make sure your corgi is happy, healthy, and balanced.

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