Are Corgis Fussy Eaters? Tips to Help Your Corgi Eat

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Corgis have charmed their way into our lives with their contagious smiles and unwavering affection. But when it comes to preparing for dinner time, have you ever wondered whether these furry friends are fussy eaters?

If that’s a question that has crossed your mind, you’ve come to the right place. Corgis have a reputation for being good eaters, but not all corgis are going be the same. 

If you’re having troubles, get ready to uncover the surprising tips and insights you need to turn your corgi’s mealtime from a painful experience into a joyful adventure.

Are corgis picky eaters? Are they fussy?

When it comes to food, corgis often have a reputation for being enthusiastic eaters and not at all fussy.

These charming, short-legged dogs are known to have healthy appetites and a genuine enjoyment of mealtime. Corgis’ love for food can be attributed to their natural instincts as herding dogs. Historically, they were bred to be work out on farms, herding cattle and other livestock.

Their active lifestyle and energetic nature meant that they needed a lot of food to fuel their daily activities. This heritage has likely contributed to their hearty appetite!

You’ll find corgis tend to approach mealtime with enthusiasm and excitement, with wagging tails and eager expressions. My corgis eyes definitely light up around food time.

​You should note though, that corgis do have their own likes and dislikes when it comes to food. They’re not necessarily going to eat any old slop, just because it’s mealtime.

This corgi is exploring and not fussy.

Why is my corgi a picky eater? Reasons your dog is fussy.

If your corgi seems particular about their food, it could be for a number of reasons including their health, age, and the kind of food you’re offering.

Sometimes, being choosy about eating could be a sign that something is bothering them.

​​If your corgi’s eating habits suddenly change or if they consistently avoid their food, it’s a smart move to talk to a vet. This way, you can make sure there are no underlying health issues causing the behaviour.

You should also look to any environmental factors. A noisy, distracting or unsafe feeding area can discourage corgis from eating. ​I know that when people are visiting, my corgi is far less likely to want to eat than when he has some space to himself in the evening.

Corgis often require less food and become fussier as they get older.

What should I feed my corgi?​

A corgi should eat a diet of wet or dry dog food that includes high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of carbohydrates is ideal for these energetic dogs.

Corgis are known for being big eaters, and most aren’t fussy. They, like most dogs, are omnivores. This means they can enjoy eating meat, veggies, and other kinds of food.

​Your best bet is to go for dry food, supplemented with some wet food or snacks.

​Dry dog food looks like small biscuits. It’s created from a doughy mixture, and it might have things like vegetables, meat meal, wheat, and barley in it. These biscuits are usually round, but sometimes they come in playful shapes like bones or fish.

Wet dog foods tend to have more meat and vegetables in them, which makes them attractive to your pets. Because of this, they usually have a higher amount of protein and nutrients compared to regular dry food, and is a good supplement for this reason.

>> To find out more, here’s my comprehensive guide to what foods to feed your corgi.

How much should I feed my corgi?​

For a grown-up corgi, you should serve them around 2/3 to 1 1/2 cups of dog food, divided into two meals.

That’s like having between 1/3 and 3/4 of a cup of food for each meal. You can figure out the right amount by using a regular kitchen measuring cup.

You may find that as your dog ages, they need less food. That’s normal behaviour and not a sign that anything is wrong with your corgi. It doesn’t make them fussy eaters.

>> Find out more with my comprehensive guide to how much your should feed your corgi.

How often should I feed my corgi?​

Adult corgis typically require two meals a day – one in the morning, one at night.

Corgis are known for their herding ancestry, which has a profound impact on their eating habits.

​As herding dogs, they were bred to manage livestock, requiring energy for high-intensity activities throughout the day. This background has influenced their preference for small, frequent meals rather than one large serving.

You should ensure you establish a consistent feeding routine that aligns with your corgi’s needs.

💡​ Sample feeding routine for your corgi


  • 7:00 AM – Exercise: Take your corgi for a morning walk or play session to get them ready for the day.
  • 7:30 AM – Breakfast (Portion 1): Serve 1/3 to 3/4 cup of high-quality dry dog food.


  • 6:00 PM – Dinner (Portion 2): Serve the remaining portion of your corgi’s daily food (1/3 to 3/4 cup).
  • 7:00 PM – Exercise:​ Half hour evening walk or play session to tire out your corgi before bed.

Bonus tips

  • Portion control: Adjust the portion sizes based on your corgi’s weight and activity level.
  • Fresh water: Ensure your corgi has access to fresh water at all times.
  • Treats: Use treats sparingly and factor them into your corgi’s daily calorie intake.
  • Avoid table scraps: Human food can be harmful to dogs, so avoid sharing your meals with your corgi.
  • Regular exercise: Corgis are active dogs, so aim for daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation.
  • Regular vet visits: Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to monitor your corgi’s health.

How to help my fussy corgi eat?​ 5 tips to try today

There are a number of strategies you can use to help your corgi be a less fussy eater, including food variety, feeding routine, healthy treats, and training.

Some corgis may exhibit picky eating behaviour, which can be concerning for pet owners. However, there are several effective strategies to encourage your corgi to eat regularly and maintain a healthy appetite.

  1. Food variety and rotation: Offering a diverse range of high-quality dog foods can pique your corgi’s interest in mealtime. Rotating between different flavours and textures prevents monotony and keeps them engaged with their food.
  2. Scheduled feeding routine: Establishing a consistent feeding schedule is essential. Corgis thrive on routine, and having set mealtimes creates a sense of security and anticipation for their next meal.
  3. Treats in moderation: While treats can be a great way to reinforce positive behaviour, excessive treat-giving can lead to picky eating habits. Use treats sparingly and choose healthy options that complement their regular diet and encourage your corgi to eat their regular meals.
  4. Avoiding table scraps: As tempting as it may be to share your food with your furry friend, feeding them table scraps can disrupt their balanced diet and encourage selective eating.
  5. Training: This plays a pivotal role in shaping your corgi’s behaviour, including their eating habits. Positive reinforcement training methods – praise, treats, or affection – can be highly effective in encouraging healthy eating behaviours.

Mealtime should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. These steps will help your corgi become better and less fussy when it comes to feeding time.

Why won’t my corgi eat?

Possible reasons for a corgi not eating include health issues, diet or environment changes, stress, temperature, spoiled appetite, lack of exercise, age and activity level, and food preferences. Consult a vet for medical concerns.

A corgi not eating can be concerning, and there could be several potential reasons for this behaviour. It doesn’t just mean they’re being fussy.

Here are some general suggestions that might help you diagnose the problem:

1. Your corgi may have health issues

If your corgi suddenly stops eating, it could be due to an underlying health problem. Dental issues, gastrointestinal problems, infections, or other illnesses could be causing discomfort. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.

2. Change in diet or environment

Corgis can be sensitive to changes in their diet or environment. If you recently switched their food, it might take some time for them to adjust. Similarly, changes in routine, location, or the presence of new pets or people could affect their appetite.

3. Stress or anxiety

Dogs can experience stress or anxiety that affects their appetite. Major life changes, loud noises, new surroundings, or separation from their owners can lead to decreased eating.

4. Temperature

Your corgi might eat less during hot weather. Ensure they have access to fresh water at all times and that their eating area is cool and comfortable.

5. Spoiled appetite

Sometimes dogs hold out for treats or table scraps and refuse their regular food. If you’ve been feeding them a lot of treats, they might not be hungry for their main meals.

6. Exercise

Lack of exercise can affect a dog’s appetite. Corgis are an active breed, and they might not be as hungry if they’re not getting enough physical activity.

7. Age and activity level

Older corgis might have reduced appetites due to slower metabolism, while puppies might be more finicky eaters as they go through growth phases.

8. Food preferences

Just like humans, dogs can have preferences for certain flavors or textures. It’s possible the food you’re offering doesn’t appeal to your corgi.

If your corgi’s lack of appetite persists for more than a day or two, it’s best to consult a veterinarian. They can provide advice based on your dog’s health history, conduct any necessary tests, and recommend steps to address the issue.

Remember, it’s always better to be cautious when it comes to your pet’s health.

How can I tell if my corgi is a picky eater or has a health issue?

If your corgi consistently refuses food, exhibits signs of discomfort while eating, or experiences any changes in behaviour or weight loss, consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems.

As responsible pet owners, it’s crucial to be attentive to any changes in their behaviour or eating patterns. If your corgi consistently refuses food or shows signs of discomfort, it’s worth it to visit a vet.

It’s fine to be fussy, but not if it’s indicating a serious health issue.

​My corgi is an anxious eater. How to encourage my corgi to eat?

Some corgis may develop feeding anxiety, leading to picky eating or reluctance to approach their food.

As pet owners, we understand the joy and responsibility of caring for our furry friends.

Feeding anxiety or even food aggression can arise from various factors, such as past negative experiences, changes in the environment, or disruptions in routine. To address this, consider the following tips:

1. Slow feeder bowls 

Using a slow feeder bowl can be beneficial for corgis prone to eating too quickly. These specially designed bowls have ridges and obstacles that slow down your dog’s eating pace, promoting better digestion and reducing the risk of bloating.

2. Mealtime environment

Create a peaceful and inviting mealtime environment for your corgi. Choose a quiet spot where they feel comfortable, away from distractions or noise that might disrupt their focus on eating.

3. Fresh water access:

Always provide your corgi with access to fresh and clean water throughout the day. Hydration is crucial for their overall health and can also influence their appetite.

4. Gradual diet changes:

If you decide to switch your corgi’s diet, do it gradually to avoid upsetting their digestive system. Gradually mix in the new food with the old, increasing the ratio over several days until they are entirely on the new diet.

5. Regular exercise 

Regular exercise is essential for corgis, and it can also positively impact their appetite. Engage in daily walks, play sessions, or interactive games to keep them active and encourage a healthy appetite.

6. Monitor portion sizes

While corgis have an enthusiastic appetite, it’s crucial to monitor their portion sizes. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which can have adverse effects on their health and energy levels.

If you encounter persistent eating issues with your corgi, seeking advice from a professional dog behaviourist or veterinarian can provide valuable insights and personalised solutions.

​Are there specific foods I should avoid feeding my corgi?

Yes, certain human foods are harmful to dogs, including chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and foods high in fat and salt.

Stick to a well-balanced and veterinarian-approved diet. It’s your responsibility as a pet owner and you owe it to the animals you look after.

​There’s nothing worse than a dog that has to be put down due to careless feeding from the owner.

​Can I offer homemade meals to my corgi?

Yes, you can prepare homemade meals for your corgi, but ensure they contain all the necessary nutrients.

Consult with a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist to create a balanced diet plan. Table snacks are not a substitute for a proper meal plan.

Your corgi needs to eat foods that are going to encourage healthy growth and maintenance as they age.

​Is my corgi allergic to their food? Signs to look for in your corgi

Food allergies occur when a dog’s immune system reacts adversely to specific ingredients in their diet. Symptoms include skin, stomach, and ear issues.

As devoted pet owners, it’s essential to be aware of potential food allergies and sensitivities that corgis may develop.

Common food allergens for corgis are usually proteins and include beef, chicken, dairy, wheat, and soy.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand, may not involve an immune response but can still lead to digestive discomfort or skin issues.

Identifying food allergy symptoms early on can help you address the issue promptly and ensure your corgi’s well-being. Common symptoms of food allergies in corgis may include:

  • Skin issues: Itchy skin, redness, hives, rashes, or hair loss.
  • Gastrointestinal problems: Vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, or frequent bowel movements.
  • Ear infections: Frequent ear infections may be linked to food allergies in some cases.

If you suspect your corgi has food allergies or sensitivities, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and guidance on an elimination diet.

Consider working with your veterinarian to create a diet plan tailored to your corgi’s specific food needs.

Final thoughts on corgis as fussy eaters

While most corgis are voracious eaters, some may slip into being fussy when they eat. And that’s ok.

Figuring out why a corgi is picky about food can help us deal with this behaviour.

Eliminating issues, like a lack of routine or a busy eating location, can help diagnose more serious issues, such as health problems.

In many cases corgis might like some foods more because of how they taste or feel. Finding good dog food that’s healthy and suits their taste can make a big difference.

In those serious cases, it’s best to check in with your vet to sort out the problem quickly.

Every corgi is different, including how they eat. Understanding their uniqueness and taking care of their needs can help us have a better relationship with them when it comes to food.

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