Are Corgis Indoor or Outdoor Dogs? What You Need to Know

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

If you’re considering getting a corgi, you may be wondering if they are better suited for indoor or outdoor living. Corgis make great family pets, but it’s critical you know how to take care of them.

In this article, based on my experiences with many corgi owners, I’ll explore whether corgis are indoor or outdoor dogs and what factors you need to consider before deciding where your furry friend should live.

Do corgis prefer being indoors or outdoors?

Corgis are a breed that can adapt to both indoor and outdoor living. While they enjoy spending time outside, they also thrive in indoor environments where they can be close to their human companions.

Some corgis may enjoy spending more time outdoors, particularly if they have access to a yard or open space to run and play. They may also enjoy going for walks or engaging in outdoor activities with their owners.

However, it’s important to remember that corgis are a small breed and may not be able to handle extreme temperatures or strenuous exercise.

For that reason, some corgis may prefer spending more time indoors, particularly if they are given plenty of opportunities for social interaction, playtime, and mental stimulation.

They may enjoy cuddling up on the couch with their owners, playing with toys, or engaging in training exercises.

​Whether your corgi prefers to be indoors or outdoors will depend on their individual personality and preferences.

How to decide if your corgi will live indoors or outdoors?​

Key factors to consider before deciding whether your corgi is and indoor or outdoor dog include living space, climate, and exercise.

Let’s dig deeper into each of these topics:

  1. Living Space: Corgis are small dogs, which means they can adapt well to living in small spaces, such as apartments or houses with limited outdoor space. However, if you have a larger living space, you may want to consider giving your Corgi more outdoor access.
  2. Climate: Corgis have a double coat, which means they can adapt well to different climates. However, extreme temperatures, such as extreme heat or cold, can be uncomfortable for your furry friend. If you live in a region with harsh weather conditions, you may want to consider keeping your Corgi indoors during extreme temperatures.
  3. Exercise Needs: Corgis are an active breed and require daily exercise to stay healthy and happy. While they can get exercise indoors, they also enjoy outdoor activities, such as walks, hikes, and playing fetch. If you have a large outdoor space or access to a dog park, your corgi may benefit from spending more time outdoors.

Exercise is important to maintain good mental health (and not just for dogs!)

The pros and cons of indoor and outdoor living for corgis

As a devoted corgi owner myself, I have experienced the joys and challenges of deciding between indoor and outdoor living for my furry companion.

​Striking the right balance between the comforts of indoor living and the freedom of the great outdoors is crucial for their happiness.

Here are my pros and cons to help you navigate this important decision with confidence.

Indoor dogs

Pros of indoor dogsCons of indoor dogs
Provides a safe and controlled environmentCan limit exercise and socialisation
Protects your corgi from harsh weather Less stimulating than outdoor living
Ideal for people with limited outdoor spaceMore effort to potty train your corgi

Outdoor dogs

Pros of outdoor dogsCons of outdoor dogs
More space for your corgi to play and exerciseExposes your corgi to harsh weather conditions
More opportunities for socialisation with other people and dogsIncreases the risk of accidents, such as getting hit by a car or getting lost
​More stimulating for your furry friendIncreases chance of loneliness and isolation

Do corgis like going outside?

Corgis are an active breed that generally enjoy spending time outdoors. They were originally bred as herding dogs and have a natural instinct to explore and be active.

Outdoor activities such as going for walks, hikes, and playing in open spaces can be a great way for corgis to burn off energy and stay healthy.

Many corgis also enjoy the social interaction and mental stimulation that comes with spending time outdoors. They may enjoy meeting new people and other dogs, sniffing out new smells, and engaging in activities such as playing fetch or running around.

However, it’s important to remember that corgis are a small breed and may not be able to handle extreme temperatures or strenuous exercise. It’s important to provide them with adequate shade and water on hot days and limit their exposure to extreme weather conditions.

Overall, corgis can benefit from spending time both indoors and outdoors, but outdoor activities can be particularly beneficial for their physical and mental health.

If you have a corgi, it’s important to provide them with plenty of opportunities to explore and engage in outdoor activities to help them stay happy and healthy.

Is it cruel to keep corgis indoors?

It is not cruel to keep corgis indoors, as they can adapt to living in a variety of environments, but many corgis do enjoy being outdoors throughout the day.

Corgis are a breed that can be kept both indoors and outdoors, but it’s important to provide them with a balanced lifestyle that includes opportunities for exercise, social interaction, and mental stimulation.

Indoor living can be particularly beneficial for corgis who live in apartments or homes without access to a yard. It can provide them with a safe and comfortable environment where they can interact with their human companions and engage in indoor activities such as playing with toys and participating in training exercises.

However, corgis are an active breed that require regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

If kept indoors for extended periods of time without adequate opportunities for physical activity and social interaction, corgis may become bored, anxious, or develop health issues related to inactivity.

Therefore, it’s important to provide corgis with regular opportunities for outdoor exercise, whether that’s through walks, hikes, or trips to the dog park. Indoor playtime and training exercises can also help to provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom.

Providing a balanced lifestyle that includes both indoor and outdoor time can help ensure that your corgi remains healthy, happy, and well-adjusted.

How often should I take my corgi for a walk?​

Taking your corgi for a walk is a great way to give them the exercise they need. They should go for at least half an hour each day.

Corgis enjoy outdoor activities and exploring their surroundings. Going for a walk can also help to socialize them and keep them mentally stimulated.

As a general rule, corgis should be taken for a walk at least once a day.

However, the exact frequency and duration of walks will depend on your corgi’s age, health, and activity level.
Younger corgis may need more frequent walks to burn off their excess energy, while older corgis may require shorter, more leisurely walks.

In addition to daily walks, you may want to incorporate other outdoor activities into their routine, such as playing fetch, going on hikes, or visiting the dog park.

When taking your corgi for a walk, it’s important to keep them on a leash to ensure their safety and prevent them from running off. You should also be mindful of the weather conditions and adjust your walks accordingly.

During hot or cold weather, you may need to limit the duration of your walks or take your corgi out during cooler times of the day.

Can corgis jump fences?

Corgis are a breed that can be prone to jumping small fences, especially if they are feeling bored or restless. But, due to their small size, jumping large fences is not an issue.

They are known for being energetic and active dogs, which means that they may try to find ways to escape their living environment in search of new adventures.

The height of the fence is an important consideration when it comes to corgis and jumping. While some corgis may not be able to jump very high, others may surprise their owners with their jumping abilities.

As a general rule, fences should be at least 4 feet high to prevent most corgis from jumping over.

It’s important to note that corgis should never be left unsupervised in a yard, even if the fence is high enough to prevent them from jumping.

They should always be monitored to ensure that they are not engaging in destructive behaviour or trying to escape.

If you have a corgi that is prone to jumping small fences, there are several steps you can take to prevent them from escaping.

This may include providing them with plenty of exercise, training them to stay within a designated area, or installing additional barriers such as a secondary fence or a mesh barrier to prevent them from jumping over.

Final thoughts on whether corgis are indoor or outdoor dogs

Corgis are a versatile breed that can adapt to a variety of living environments, including indoor and outdoor settings.

While corgis can thrive in both indoor and outdoor settings, you need to give them with a balanced lifestyle that includes opportunities for exercise, social interaction, and mental stimulation.

Whether you choose to keep your corgi indoors or outdoors, be sure to keep them in safe and comfortable living environment that meets their needs and ensures their wellbeing.

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