Are Corgis Lazy Dogs? What to Do if Your Dog Has No Energy

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

I love nothing more than a lazing on a Sunday afternoon. But lazy corgis? Don’t expect it.

If you’ve heard whispers in the wind that corgis are lazy dogs, you might be in for a shock. Corgis are cute. Corgis are smart. But corgis are not lazy dogs.

In this article, I’ll take you into the lives of corgis and debunk the misconception they are lazy dogs.

I’ll also highlight the energy, agility, and playfulness that make corgis exceptional companions. Plus, strategies if they are not their usual energetic self.

Are corgis lazy?

Corgis are not lazy dogs; they are a highly energetic breed that love to play and run.

Corgis aren’t your typical couch potatoes. These little furballs are bursting with energy. They’re always up for some playtime and a good run around the yard.

They’re wired to be constantly on the go, which is great news if you’re an outdoorsy person. You’ll find these pups make fantastic companions for all sorts of adventures.

Now, when it comes to their well-being, exercise is like their secret sauce. It’s not just about keeping them fit, it’s also about keeping their minds sharp and warding off things like obesity.

Are corgis working dogs?

Corgis have a rich heritage as herding dogs, originally bred in Wales for their remarkable herding skills.

Thanks to their petite build and incredible agility, corgis can dart around cattle without risking a swift kick to the head.

It’s all thanks to their herding heritage. This has gifted them with an impressive work ethic and energy levels that would put many athletes to shame.

They come in two distinct breeds: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Both of them are super sharp, incredibly loyal, and they’ve got a real zest for living life to the fullest.

Should I Get Two Corgis? Two corgis playing together in the grass outside.

What activities can corgis do?

Corgis are like the Swiss Army knives of the dog world. They’re incredibly versatile and can excel in all sorts of roles and activities.

Here are some cool things they can do:

1. Service Dogs: Believe it or not, corgis can be trained to work as therapy and emotional support dogs. They bring comfort and assistance to individuals facing emotional or physical challenges. With their friendly and empathetic nature, they make perfect companions in therapeutic settings.

2. Search and Rescue: Despite their pint-sized stature, corgis have been known to step up in search and rescue missions. Their compact build allows them to squeeze into tight spaces and navigate tricky terrain.

3. Canine Sports: Corgis have a natural talent for canine sports like agility competitions and obedience trials. They’re not just participants; they’re fierce competitors in these events, thanks to their athleticism and boundless enthusiasm.

4. Assistance Dogs: With the right training, corgis can assist people with disabilities. This is by doing things like retrieving objects, opening doors, and providing support in everyday activities. They’re small but mighty!

5. Herding Demonstrations: These little guys still flaunt their herding heritage in demonstrations and competitions. You’ll be amazed at how they can manoeuvre and guide livestock, showcasing their herding abilities.

So, corgis are much more than just adorable pets – they’re the true all-rounders of the dog world. They are ready to take on a wide range of roles and activities.

Are corgis playful dogs. This corgi is in the grass outside ready to play.

Do corgis have the energy to train?

Absolutely, corgis are like little training enthusiasts; they have lots of energy for training.

Their smarts and their strong desire to make their owners happy make them a breeze to train. It’s kind of like they’re born for it.

For these little guys, early obedience training and socialisation are key. It sets them up to be polite and well-adjusted pups.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Teaching them new tricks and giving them some mental challenges with puzzles and games is like hitting the jackpot for their sharp minds.

You see, all this mental exercise helps them put that endless energy to good use. It also keeps them from turning into troublemakers.

Plus, corgis absolutely relish learning new things. They even shine in obedience competitions and dog sports, showing off their agility and their cleverness.

Are corgi’s active dogs for families?

Corgis are active dogs that fit right in with families.

They’ve got this loving and affectionate vibe that extends to everyone in the family. These little furballs are known for being awesome with kids. They tend to get along just fine with other pets too.

In fact, corgis are like those family members who are always up for some quality time together. They’re all in for joining family activities and they’ve got the energy to keep up.

Their playful and gentle nature makes them perfect playmates for children. But it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on things.

You have to make sure the interactions between the corgi and the kids are safe and respectful.

A corgi puppy with floppy ears siting in the grass waiting for their first-time dog owner.

Why is my corgi lazy and lethargic? 8 reasons to know

If your corgi is on the lazier side, there could be a few reasons behind it – many of them health related.

Corgis, despite their usual active nature, can face challenges that make it harder to move around. Let’s look a some of them now.  

1. They are getting old

Just like us, dogs slow down as they get older. Senior dogs might not have the same pep in their step as when they were pups. So, if your old buddy is looking lethargic, it might be more about achy joints than laziness.

2. Infection or illness

If your dog’s feeling more tired than usual, it could be because of nasty stuff like parasites, bacteria, viruses, or even illnesses like cancer. Poor things, they can’t tell us they’re not feeling well, so they show it through lethargy.

3. Heart or liver problems

Lethargy can also be a sign of heart or liver issues. If your dog is out of breath, has a lack of appetite, coughs, or faints, it might be something more serious. Heart and liver problems are no joke.

4. Injury, trauma, or joint pain

As dogs age, they might develop joint problems or injuries. If their joints are hurting, they’ll stop playing and might have trouble with everyday things. Imagine how hard it is for them when their bones rub together! Ouch.

5. Corgi diabetes

Just like in humans, diabetes can make dogs super tired. It weakens their muscles, and since they might not be getting the right nutrition, they’ll sleep more and play less.

6. Hypothyroidism

When a dog’s thyroid isn’t producing enough hormones, they can become sluggish and gain weight, even without changing their eating habits. It’s a sneaky one that can mess with their energy levels.

7. Medication

Some medications for dogs can make them feel weak or tired. If you notice this happening after starting a new medicine or using a flea or heartworm product, don’t wait, call your vet.

8. Poison

Scary but important to know. If your dog got into something toxic like pesticides or household cleaning products, lethargy could be one of the symptoms. This is an emergency, so get to the vet ASAP if you suspect your dog swallowed something bad.

Regular visits to the vet are a must to keep an eye on their health and address potential issues early. So, if you notice your dog being unusually lazy, don’t just brush it off.

Your furry friend can’t always tell you what’s wrong, but you can always look out for them.

Are corgis alert dogs. Yes. This one is on the lookout for trouble afoot.

My corgi can’t keep up with me?

If you’ve got a low-energy pup who can’t quite keep up with your exercise routine, don’t worry – there are ways to help them stay healthy and happy.

First things first, remember that limited physical activity isn’t ideal for your furry friend, regardless of the reason behind their laziness. We’ve got to keep their weight in check and their heart and joints in tip-top shape.

The key to keeping your lazy dog in good health is to make sure they get regular exercise.

While the classic daily walk is a great start, don’t be afraid to mix it up. Trips to the dog park, beach outings, or even some wilderness hiking. These activities can work wonders to keep your dog moving and engaged.

Now, I understand your dog might be a bit out of shape and struggle with long runs or strenuous hikes. To avoid overexertion, start gently.

Think of it like a training plan – begin with quick walks around the block, some leisurely swims, or short play sessions in the backyard. This gradual approach will help your pup build up their stamina and fitness over time.

So, get out there, have some fun, and keep your four-legged friend in the best of health!

Final thoughts on if corgis are lazy dogs

Corgis are definitely not in the “lazy dog” club. They’re more the “energetic, intelligent, and affectionate” squad.

Their herding background and agility make them active and playful pets. They are perfect for folks and families who love an on-the-go lifestyle.

It’s a team effort, though. To get the most out of your corgi, make sure they get regular exercise, plenty of mental stimulation, and solid training.

If you’re thinking about bringing a corgi into your life, they need your commitment and care to thrive. A well-loved corgi will fill your life with boundless joy, a great addition to any loving home.

Selecting the right dog breed that suits your lifestyle is a big decision. I hope this article has given you a clearer picture of what corgis are all about.

And I hope it helps you make an informed choice about welcoming these charming and energetic dogs into your world.

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